Monday, September 4, 2017

Charles Henry Harris

Photographer: C. H. Harris
Blair, Nebraska
Example from LOST GALLERY

Charles Henry Harris
(1842 - 1928)

1842 Jul 02
New York, state records, Charles Henry Harris is born
1874 - 1881
Blair, NE, there is some evidence that Harris had a studio in Blair for a short time between these dates
1878 - 1879
Omaha, NE, city directory no listing for Harris
1880 Jun 11
Omaha, NE, US census Charles as photographer, lives next door to S W Stelles, photographer
1880 Nov 04
Blair (NE) Pilot newspaper, item says “Prof.” Harris, photographer at “New” gallery is ill
1881 - 1883
Omaha, NE, city directory no listing for Harris
Moline, IL, city directory Charles H Harris NOT listed
1883 Jun 26, 1883 Jul 06, 1883 Aug 25
Rock Island (IL) Argus, small ad for Price’s Photo Parlor at 1621 Second Av
1885 Aug 17
Omaha (NE) Daily Bee, display ad for Photographer C H Harris at 702-704 N 16th in Omaha

1888 Nov 04
Blair (NE) Pilot newspaper, item “Prof” Harris proprietor of the “New” photograph gallery, is ill
1890 Dec 25
Blair (NE) Pilot, small very negative ad compares photography of G B Riker to that of “Mrs Harris Gallery and her operator Lauritz Neilson”
1891 Nov 07
Henry, IL, state records, Charles Harris and Fannie Harnen are married
Moline, IL, city directory, Charles H Harris NOT listed
Moline, IL, city directory, Charles H Harris res Dickson se cor Second; NOT shown in bus. section
1895 (1893, 1894 not available)
Rock Island, IL, city directory, Charles H Harris NOT listed
David Hayne’s “Catching Shadows” lists Charles H Harris as photographer in Houston, TX, for these years
Rock Island, IL, from a comment (see below) there is a cabinet card imprinted “C H Harris, 1621 Second Street, Rock Island, IL”
1897 Aug
Rock Island, IL, birth of daughter Eva

Moline, IL, city directory as photographer South Side Dickson E 3rd
1900 Jun 15
US census, Black Hawk, IL, Charles H Harris as photographer at NE cor 3rd
Moline, IL, city directory Charles H Harris as photographer at 1926 3rd, res Milan, (wife: Fannie)
Moline, IL, city directory, Charles H Harris NOT listed
Davenport, IA, city directory, Charles H Harris NOT listed
From obituary, Harris moves from Rock Island to Davenport this year
Davenport, IA, city directory as photographer at 512 W 4th; res 409 Western
Davenport, IA, city directory as photographer at 112 w 4th; res 411 ½ Western
Davenport, IA, city directory as photographer at 411 ½ Western
US census Davenport, IA, as real estate agent, res 411 ½ Western; Davenport city directory lists as photographer at 325 Brady, res 411 ½ Brady

Houston, TX, city directory as photographer 2015 Gentry
Houston, TX, city directory as photographer 110 w Ash
Davenport, IA, city directory as no occupation shown; res 1110 w 6th
Davenport, IA, city directory as photographer; res 1110 w 6th
Iowa state census as elevator operator; res 1110 w 6th
US census, Davenport, IA, as photographer; res 207 1/3 Brady st
Iowa state census as resident of Old Soldiers Home

1928 Dec 15
Davenport, IA, Charles Henry Harris dies of senility and arterial sclerosis.
1928 Dec 17
Rock Island (IL) Argus obituary says Harris moved from Rock Island to Davenport in 1902

The whereabouts of Charles Harris before 1880 are pretty sketchy. He was born in New York but there is no record of when he left there. There is some evidence that he was enlisted with the Union army in the US civil war, 1861- 1865.

Also there is an imprint on a cabinet card mentioned on an Ancestry message board, "From C. H. Harris's Gallery, west of O. V. Palmer & Co.'s Store, Blair Nebraska". According to Andreas' History of Nebraska, O V Palmer’s store was in operation in Blair, NE, from 1874 to 1881.

Apparently, Charles Henry Harris was in Omaha, NE, for only a very short time. The 1880 US census lists him as photographer that year. The Omaha, NE, city directories for the years before and after do not include a listing for him. In 1891, eleven years later, he is married in Henry, IL. His daughter Eva was born in Rock Island, IL, Aug 1897
A comment adds that there is a cabinet card imprinted with “C H Harris, 1621 Rock Island, IL” which was probably finished around the time of the birth of Harris’s daughter Eva, in August 1897.

Except for a couple years in Houston, TX, he spends the rest of his life in Davenport, IA. He worked mostly as a photographer but also was a real estate agent in 1910 and an elevator operator in 1915.

The cabinet card at the top must have been finished around 1874 – 1879

1200 The Blair (NE) Pilot - 04 Nov 1880
The Rock Island (IL) Argus - 26 Jun 1883
Rock Island (IL) Argus - 25 Aug 1883
Omaha (NE) Daily Bee - 17 Jul 1885

A very negative ad against "Mrs Harris photographer".
Did Fanny take over in the absense of her husband?

Blair (NE) Pilot - 25 Dec 1890
Rock Island (IL) Argus - 17 Dec 1928

Not the one you were looking for? Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. All the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY are listed there.

This is a work always in progress.

Aditional information and New examples are always welcome. Any additional information will help narrow the time that these precious antiques were made.

All submissions should be free of glare and shadows.
Do not crop.
Leave a border around each card. The edges are sometimes an important clue to the age of the card.

Email to the address found in the profile at the bottom of this page.

Some examples on this page have been enhanced or restored for clarity and presentation here.

This page is free for educational and research purposes only but, as always, if the original owner of any of these examples objects to the use on this page, just let me know and they will be immediately removed.


  1. I have a cab card from Electric Photo Parlors CH Harris , artist 1621 second ave rock island IL so apparently he had studio where he got married. card undated

    1. Thanks for your comment and the nudge. The Harris page needed an update.
      Yes, facts about Mr Harris are rather elusive. He didn’t advertise much and apparently he didn’t stay in one place very long. I can’t find any more examples of the work of C H Harris and very few mentions in the newspapers of the time. If you would like to add your card to the page, send me a clean scan including the edges, to the email address in the profile at the bottom of this page.
