Thursday, September 7, 2017

G Podoll

Photographer: G. Podoll & Co.
333 Third Street, Milwaukee
Also headquarters for the Northwestern View Co.
Nothing on reverse
example from LOST GALLERY

It appears that Gustav Podoll lived a long and productive life, mostly in Milwaukee, WI. However, his photography career at 333 3rd Street in Milwaukee, WI, can be documented only by city directory as lasting from 1886 to 1891 when he apparently gave up the studio to Nicholas Scharff.

No biographical information is certain although it appears he never married.

photographer G Podol & Co
333 Third Street, Milwaukee
Example from Rangefinder Online

Not the one you were looking for? Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. Listed here are all the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY. This is a work in progress. For a look at the original postings go to LOST GALLERY.

New examples and additional information are always welcome. Any additional information will help narrow the time that these precious antiques were made.

All submissions should be free of glare and shadows. Do not crop. Leave a border around each card. The edges are sometimes an important clue to the age of the card.

Some examples on this page have been enhanced or restored for clarity and presentation here.

This page is free for educational and research purposes only but, as always, if the original owner of any of these examples objects to the use on this page, just let me know and they will be immediately removed.


  1. I have a cabinet card of my 2nd ggrandparents and at the bottom it indicates "Podoll, 333 Third Street, Milwaukee" as the photographer. I know that the active dates were from 1886-1891, but the gentleman in the picture died in 1879 in Sweden. His wife died in Sweden in 1901. Was there a process of putting a photo on this kind of card when they were not actually in the studio?

    1. Thanks for your question. Yes, I believe there are two ways this could happen. Of course, as long as the negative still exists, a photograph can be printed even decades after it was made originally. But more likely the Podol cabinet cards you have were made by copying an earlier photograph and mounting a new print on a contemporary card. Copying an older photograph was not an uncommon practice in the days of the cabinet card. Some photographers even advertised this service. A copy will seldom be as crisp in detail as the original, but unless one has the original to compare, it would be difficult to spot the difference.

  2. That's good news because this photographer was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. One of the other 2nd ggrandparents' sons, the eldest living in Chicago, may have lived in Milwaukee during that time and that probably means that the parents never came here and stayed in Sweden which I initially surmised. I will go with that because the Swedish emigration/clerical parish books never indicated that they left for America and the parish pastors were very good with keeping records, especially where tithing and attending church kept the parish solvent...makes more sense. Thank you for your follow up!

  3. I just found a photograph of Toddler from Stur Photo Co. 333 Third Street, Milwaukee. Found it in my parents home near Vienna, Austria. The photo isnt dated but my great-great-grandfather emigrated from Czechoslovakia in 1910 or 1912. Send me an E-Mail and I can scan them for you.

    1. Thank you for your comment. If your photo is a cabinet card I'd be happy to add it to this page. The scanning instructions are just above the comment section and the email is in the profile at the bottom of this page.
