Sunday, October 22, 2017

Edgar Daru Carr

photographer: E D Carr
Riverside, Iowa

Reverse of the card at the left

Edgar Daru Carr

Sources US census, Iowa state census, city directories

1860 Nov 08

Edgar Daru Carr born to Giles Carr and Hannah Stone
1880 Jun 01
Iowa City, IA, US census as farm labot
1891 Sep 24
Iowa City, IA, state records E D Carr marries Harriet Price
Franklin, IA, Iowa state census no occupation shown, not in business pages
Waterloo, IA, city directory as photographer at 126 n Dubuque
Iowa City, IA, city directory as photographer at 126 n Dubuque; res 125 Madison
Iowa City, IA, Iowa state census no occupation shown; res 125 Madison
Iowa City, IA, city directory as photographer at 126 n Dubuque
Iowa City, IA, city directory NOT listed
Iowa City, IA, city directory as auto mechanic; res 12 w Market
Iowa City, IA, city directory no occupation shown; res 12 w Market
Iowa City, IA, US census no occupation shown; res 12 w Bloomington

San Diego, CA, city directory as auto mechanic; res 1350 10th
Iowa City, IA, city directory no occupation shown; res boarding at 505 S Van Buren; ALSO listed in the San Diego, CA, city directory as auto mechanic; res 1350 10th (both entries include wife Harriet)
San Diego, CA, city directory no occupation shown; res 1350 10th
Iowa City, IA, city directory, US census as auto mechanic; res 504 Bowery
Iowa City, IA, city directory, as mechanic; res 504 Bowery
1934 - 1936
Iowa City, IA, city directory no occupation shown; res 504 Bowery
1936 Aug 11
Iowa City, IA, cemetery records, E D Carr died at 504 Bowery

Records show E D Carr was in the photography business only a relatively short time, from about 1901 to 1909 or 1910.

There is a period 1910 to 1914 when Carr is not in the Iowa City, IA, city directory. It is suspected that this is when he was working in Riverside, IA. But there is no city directory available for Riverside, IA, so it cannot be confirmed.

By 1915 he is back in Iowa City, IA, but now he is an auto mechanic and his residence has changed to 12 w Market. He never returns to photography.

Not the one you were looking for?
Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. Listed here are all the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY. This is a work in progress. For a look at the original postings go to

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