Monday, October 23, 2017

Perry Daniel Werts

photographer: Werts and Company
Iowa City, Iowa

Perry Daniel Werts
(1859 - 1952)

Sources: US census, city directories, newspaper items as noted, Directory of Early Michigan Photographers, David V. Tinder

1859 Feb 23
Ohio, city and state records, P D Werts born to Daniel Rex Werts and Julia Sarah Burk
1886 Jul & Aug
New Ulm (MN ) Review - ads for Werts studio at Broadway near Union Hall; taking over studio of E E Seiger
1889 - 1891
Iowa City, IA, city directory as photographer with Werta and Company at 18 ½ Clinton st
1891 Jun 01
Johnson, Iowa, state records, Werts marries Nellie Alice Payne, registration says he is photographer
1892 Oct 14
Iowa City (IA) Press news item mentions P D Werts is looking for a new location
1892 - 1893
Iowa City, IA city directory as photographer with University Studio at 18 1’2 Clinton st
St Joseph, MO, city directory as photographer with W L Prewitt
1893 Feb 14
Iowa City (IS) Daily Citizen Werts buys old gallery of Blair and Effington

Iowa City, IA, city directory no occupation shown
1895 - 1896
Iowa City, IA, city directory as photographer
1897 - 1899
Iowa City, IA, city directory as photographer with Werts and Springer, 22 Clinton st
1899 Feb 23
Iowa City (IA) Press Citizen news item says Werts has sole University Studio to T W Townsend
Iowa City, IA, US census, as photographer; res 231 Clinton
Iowa City, IA, city directory as photographer; res 226 s Dubuque
1901 Apr 15
Iowa City (IA) Press Citizen news item says Werts is connected with Windrem Funeral Parlor
1901 Oct 16
Iowa City (IA) Press Citizen news item says F W Sies has taken over the James Winderm funeral business and P D Werts will remain on as assistant
1903 Jul 22
Iowa City, (IA) Press Citizen news item says that Werts is temporarily working with Townsend Gallery
1903 Oct 29
Iowa City (IA) Press Citizen news item says Werts is leaving for Lincoln, NE, to work with Alva Townsend studio in Lincoln

1903 Nov 03
Iowa City (IA) Press Citizen news item says Werts is now in Wisconsin
1904 - 1905
Cassopolis, MI, city directory as photographer
Iowa City, IA, city records, Nellie and P D Werts divorce
Iowa City, IA, city records, P D Werts marries Cora Eleanor Tharp
1906 Feb 09
Iowa City (IA) Press Citizen news item about elopement of Werts and Thorp
1906 - 1907
Niles, MI, city directory as photographer
Syracuse, IN, US census, as photographer; res Main st
Belding, MI, US census as Basket Maker; res 115 Leward
1925 Oct 30
Iowa City (IA) Press Citizen news item mentions Werts at studio in Cassopolis, MI
Belding, MI, US census as laborer in basket factory
Cassobolis, MI, state records, wife Cora Tharp dies
Belding, MI, US census (1940) residence

- Continued on next row -

1939 Oct 27
Iowa City (IA) Press Citizen news item mentions Werts visit to city from Belding, Mi
Belding, MI, US census as photographer with own studio: res 121 May
Belding, MI, city records, Werts marries Maggie B Davenport
Greenville, MI, state records, P D Werts dies and is buried In Ionia, MI

P D Werts moved around a lot. It appears that he operated as “Werts and Company” only in 1889-1891. This cabinet card must have been finished then.

New Ulm (MN)Review - 11 Aug 1886

Iowa City (IA) Press Citizen - 14 Oct 1892

Iowa City (IA) Daily Citizen - 13 Feb 1893

Iowa City (IA) Press Citizen - 23 Feb 1899

Iowa City (IA) Press Citizen - 15 Apr 1901

Iowa City (IA) Press Citizen - 16 Oct 1901

Iowa City (IA) Press Citizen - 22 Jul 1903

Iowa City (IA) Press Citizen - 29 Oct 1903

Iowa City (IA) Press Citizen - 03 Nov 1903

Iowa City (IA) Press Citizen - 09 Feb 1906

Iowa City (IA) Press Citizen - 27 Oct 1939

Is this the same Prewitt mentioned in 1893?

photographer Prewitt
Lincoln, NE
from History in Photos blog

Not the one you were looking for?
Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. Listed here are all the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY. This is a work in progress. For a look at the original postings go to


  1. Interesting information! Thanks for sharing. I just picked up a cabinet card taken by Werts today and was excited to read this information on him.

    1. Thanks for your visit. If you wish I will add your card to this page. Just email a good scan to phase65 at yahoo dot com. Add any additional information you might have about him. Thanks again!
