Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Edward A Brooks

Still looking for examples

Edward Arbut Brooks

1833 Feb 10
England, Edward Arbut Brooks is born
Edward Arbut Brooks arrives in America
1864, 1865, 1866
Philadelphia. PA, city directory Edward Brooks as finisher, Miller bel Wister. Gtn (only a possible connection, this Brooks disappears from the 1867 Philadelphia Directory when another Edward Brooks entry appears in the Louisville, KY, directory in 1867)
1865, 1866
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward A Brooks NOT listed
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward Brooks as finisher at Todd, Richardson & Hargeere; res Shelby Pike (this is probably at a woolen mill, not photography)
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward A Brooks as finisher at Louisville Woolen Mill; son George H Brooks aged 10 is listed at same occupation, same residence; Note: although the names of the father and son are correct this is possibly NOT the photographers
1870 Jul 12
Louisville, KY, U S census, Edward Brooks as Finisher at Woolen Mill; son George H Brooks as student
Louisville, KY, city directory E A Brooks as photographer at 58 Main
1873, 1875, 1876, 1877
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward A Brooks as photographer at 284 Market; res same
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward A Brooks as photographer at 646 Market AND 284 Marker; bds 310 Market
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward A Brooks as photographer at 648 Market AND 284 Market; res 344 Market
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward A Brooks as photographer at 344 Market; res 277 Story
1880 Jun 01
Louisville, KY, US census Edward Brooks as painter; res Market st
Louisville, KY, city directory E A Brooks as photographer at 346 Market (Mrs E A Brooks millinery shop at 344 Market)
1883, 1885
Louisville, KY, city directory E A Brooks as photographer 748 E Market; (E A Brooks does NOT appear in the 1884 edition)
1886, 1887
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward A Brooks NOT listed; (The studio at 748 East Market is operated by Walter W Brooks the two years.)
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward A Brooks NOT listed, George H Brooks listed as photographer at 310 Eighth
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward A Brooks as photographer 750 E Market st
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward A Brooks removed to Morganfield, KY; George
H Brooks listed at photographer at 748 E Market
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward A Brooks NOT listed; George H Brooks as photographer at 748 Market
Louisville, KY, city directory There is an Edward Brooks listed here as a clerk for C E Overstreet; bds at 2008 W Market; George H Brooks listed as photographer at 748 E Market
1893, 1894
Louisville, KY, city directory There is an Edward Brooks listed here as “dry goods”; George H Brooks as photographer at 748 E Market
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward A Brooks as photographer for G H Brooks; res 411 Johnson; (apparently working for or with his son George H Brooks)
(There is also an Edward Brooks working as a clerk for Bamberger Bloom and CO, so the dry goods clerk of 1893 and 1894 is wrong Edward Brooks)
1896, 1897, 1898, 1899
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward A Brooks as photographer; res 846 W Market; boards at 530 Third
Louisville, KY, city directory Edw A Brooks as photographer at 846 W Market
1900 Jun 02
Louisville, KY, Edward Brooks as photographer at 846 w Market st ; res same
1901, 1902, 1903, 1904,
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward Brooks as photographer; res 846 w Market
1905, 1906
Louisville, KY, city directory Edw A Brooks as photographer at 846 EAST Market AND 912 W Market; res 846 E Market (EAST is probably a printer error, all other years say WEST)
1907, 1908
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward Brooks as photographer 846 w Market; res same
Louisville, KY, city directory Edw A Brooks as photographer at 1220 (1218) W Market; (The Board of Public Works began the task of renumbering addresses to incorporate previously un-named and numbered streets and alleys. The directory shows old numbers and new numbers in parentheheses)
1910 Apr 19
Louisville, KY, Edward Brooks as photographer; res 1218 w Market; daughter Lily and grandson Edward Campbell at same residence
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward A Brooks as photographer at 912 W Marrket
Louisville, KY, city directory Edw A Brooks as photographer; bds 512 Shelby
1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917
Louisville, KY, city directory Edward A Brooks NOT listed; whereabouts unknown at this time
1918 May 03
Louisville, KY, Edward Brooks dies at age 85; death certificate lists as retired photographer

Walter W Brooks

1857 Mar 02
England, state records, Walter W Brooks is born to Edward Arbut Brooks and Sophia Hudson
Louisville, KY, city directory Walter Brooks NOT listed
Louisville, KY, city directory Walter Brooks as photographer for E A Brooks; res 344 Market
1880 Jun 04
Jefferson, IN, US census Walter W Brooks as photographer; res 141 Spring St
Louisville, KY, city directory Walter Brooks NOT listed
1886, 1887
Louisville, KY, city directory Walter W Brooks as photographer at 748 E Market; res same
Louisville, KY, city directory Walter W Brooks as photographer at 750 E Market
Louisville, KY, city directory Walter W Brooks listed as removed to Carrelton, IN
1889 Jul 31
Cloverport (KY) Breckenridge News small ad for W W Brooks studio over Martin’s Drug Store
1890 Jan 08
Cloverport (KY) Breckenridge News small item says W W Brooks has returned from Morganfield to the old rooms over Martin’s Drug Store
1890 Mar 19
Breckenridge News ad says W W Brooks is now in Cloverport over Martin’s Drug Store
1890 Nov 26
Cloverport (KY) Breckenridge News small ad says W W Brooks is now over F N D’Huy’s jewelry Store in Cloverport, KY
1893 Mar 08
Cloverport (KY) Breckenridge News item says W W Brooks has vacated the rooms over D’Huys Jewelry
1892 Jan 13
Cloverport (KY) Breckenridge News ad says W W Brooks is in Cloverport, KY
1899 Nov 29
Cloverport (KY) Breckenridge News small ad says W W Brooks in in Cloverport, KY
1900 Jun 08
Cloverport, KY, US census Walter W Brooks as photographer
1901 Mar 20
Hartford, KY, Ohio County News long news story tells of Colverport KY fire that destroys the studio and home of W W Brooks and family
Paducah, KY, city directory Walter W Brooks NOT listed
1915 Jul 24
Paducah (KY) Sun Democrat news item says Walter Books is a Senior Highway Engineer ( May not be the same Walter Brooks)
Paducah, KY, city directory Walter W Brooks NOT listed
1918, 1919
Evansville, IN, city directory Walter W Brooks NOT listed
Evansville, IN, city directory Walter W Brooks as furniture worker; res 516 Adams Av
Evansville, IN, city directory Walter W Brooks as “pkr” for Wertz-Klamer Furn co; res 516 Adams Av
Evansville, IN, city directory Walter W Brooks as furniture worked at Wertz-Klamer Furn co; res 516 Adams Av
Evansville, IN, city directory Walter W Brooks as laborer; res 516 Adams Av
1927, 1928
Evansville, IN, city directory Walter W Brooks as clerk; res 516 Adams Av; wife Belle listed also
Evansville, IN, city directory, Walter W Brooks NOT listed
Evansville, IN, city directory, Walter W Brooks as clerk at Klamer Furn Corp; res 214 Adams av; wife Belle listed also
1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1936, 1937, 1940, 1941
Evansville, IN, city directory Walter W Brooks no occupation shown; res 512 Covert Av
1941 May 29
Evansville, IN, state records, Walter W Brooks dies at age 84

George H Brooks

1859 Dec 09
Philadelphia, PA, state records, George H Brooks is born to Edward Arbut Brooks and Sophia Hudson
1870 Jul 12
Louisville, KY, US census George H Brooks “at school”
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks as clerk for E A Brooks’ res 310 Market
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks NOT listed
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks as artist for E A Brooks (no address shown)
1880 Jun 01
Louisville, KY, US census George H Brooks no occupation shown
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks, as finisher for L Richardson & Co; res 16 Frankfort (may not be same George Brooks)
Louisville, KY, city directory G H Brooks as photographer at 748 e Market
Louisville, KY, city directory G H Brooks as finisher at L Richardson & Co; res 1657 Maiden Lane
1886, 1887
Louisville, KY, city directory G H Brooks as finisher at Old KY Woolen Mills; res 1657 Maiden Lane
Louisville, KY, city directory, George H Brooks as photographer at 310 Eighth
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks as finisher at Old KY Woolen Mills; res 1329 Story
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks as photographer; res 748 e Market
1891 through 1899
Louisville, KY, city directory, George H Brooks as photographer at 748 e Market
1900 Jun 02
Louisville, KY, US census, George H Brooks as photographer at E Market; George H Brooks Junior is also listed as photographer
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks as photographer; son George JR works at same studio;
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks as president of Star Photobutton Co, 748 Market; George H Brooks Jr listed working for G H Brooks
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks as photographer at 748 e Market; George H Brooks Jr not listed
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks as Lou Button & Novelty Co; 1237 Ferndale
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks as photographer at 748 e Market; res 2121 W Green
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks as photographer at 748 e Market
1907, 1908
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks as photographer at 748 e Market
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks as photographer at 748 e Market (new street number will be 736)
1910 Apr 16
Louisville, KY, US census and city directory, George H Brooks as photographer; res 722 e Market st
Louisville, KY, city directory Geo H Brooks as photographer; res 2125 s First; NOT in business pages
1912, 1913
Louisville, KY, city directory Geo H Brooks as photographer; res 903 Preston; NOT in business pages
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks as printer at “That Live Shop” res 903 s Preston
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks as photographer at A J Reuling; res 903 Preston
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks as photographer at 300 E Jacob
Louisville, KY, city directory George H Brooks NOT listed
Louisville, KY, city directory, Geo H Brooks listed as clerk for P-N-R Co; res 1037 s Preston (note; it is not known if this is the photographer Geo H Brooks. Also unable to identify what the P-N-R Co is. Not in business pages)
Louisville, KY, city directory Geo H Brooks as photographer; res 1253 ½ s Floyd; not in business pages
Louisville, KY, city directory Geo H Brooks as clerk at P N R co; res 1253 ½ s Floyd
1920 Jan 03
Louisville, KY, US census, George H Brooks as salesman for drug store; res 1253 ½ Floyd St; son Meveral Allen Brooks also listed as stenographer for factory office
Louisville, KY, city directory Geo H Brooks as photographer; res 1253 ½ s Floyd
Louisville, KY, city directory Geo H Brooks as photographer; res 1302 s Floyd
Louisville, KY, city directory Geo H Brooks as printer at T P Taylor & Co; res 637 e Ormsby av
Louisville, KY, city directory Geo H Brooks no occupation shown; res 637 e Ormsby av
1925, 1926
Louisville, KY, city directory, two Geo H Brooks listed, nothing to tie either to the photographer
Louisville, KY, Geo H Brooks as Watchman at Bway Center Auto Service; res 1223 ½ s Floyd
Louisville, KY, city directory Geo H Brooks, no occupation shown; res 1253 ½ s Floyd
Louisville, KY, city directory, Geo H Brooks as cashier at Bourbon Cafeteria; res 1253 ½ s Floyd
1930, 1931
Louisville, KY, city directory, Geo H Brooks NOT listed
Louisville, KY, city directory, Geo H Brooks “soft drinks”; res 443 e Jeff (only a possibility)
1933, 1934
Louisville, KY, city directory, Geo H Brooks NOT listed
Louisville, KY, city directory, Geo H Brooks with wife Eva W listed at 201 e Ormsby av
1935 Nov 29
Louisville, KY, state records George H Brooks dies at age 75
Louisville, KY, city directory, NO listing for Geo H Brooks or Eva W Brooks

Items related to Edward A Brooks

Louisville (KY) Courier Journal -
20 Jul 1900

Louisville (KY) Courier Journal -
02 Jul 1904

Louisville (KY) Courier Journal -
11 May 1918

Items related to W W Brooks

Cloverport, KY, Breckenridge News -
31 Jul 1889

Cloverport, KY, Breckenridge News -
08 Jan 1890

Cloverport, KY, Breckenridge News -
26 Nov 1890

Cloverport, KY, Breckenridge News -
13 jan 1892

Cloverport, KY, Breckenridge News -
08 Mar 1893

Cloverport, KY, Breckenridge News -
29 Nov 1899

Louisville(KY)Courier Journal -
08 Mar 1900

Louisville(KY)Courier Journal -
20 Mar 1900

Hartford (OH) County News -
20 Mar 1901

Paducah (KY) Sun Democrat -
24 Jul 1915

Only a possible connection; no support has been found.
Items related to G H Brooks

photographer: G H Brooks
748 E Market Street, Louisville, KY
probably finished between 1891 and 1900
example from auction site
(low res scan)
Louisville (KY) Courier Journal - 10 Oct 1909

Louisville (KY) Courier Journal - 08 Mar 1900

Louisville (KY) Courier Journal - 31 Dec 1946

Items related to George A Campbell

George A Campbell

Not much has been found about George Campbell. He married Lillith Hudson Brooks in February of 1899 and worked for her father, photographer Edward A Brooks, in that photo studio from 1900 to his death in 1904. Although there are three or four people by the name of George Campbell in the area, through the decades from 1880 to 1900, none seem to fit the one who worked as photographer for E A Brooks. Perhaps a connection will eventually emerge.

1864 Apr
Indiana, US census, state records, George A Campbell is born

Louisville, KY, city directory (speculative entry) George A Campbell R 17, as tinner for John Unz Co (Boarding at 340 Market, just two or three doors from Edward Brooks, photographer at 346 Market); also at 340 Market is listed John Campbell, perhaps father, brother or cousin; Unknown at this time.

Louisville, KY, city directory George Campbell at 217 E Main (best possible of three choices); Albert Campbell listed at same address

1899 Feb 02
Jeffersonville, IN, state records, George Campbell and Lillian May Hudson Brooks are married
Louisville, KY, city directory Geo Campbell as photographer for E A Brooks; no res address shown
1900 Jun 02
Louisville, KY, US census George Campbell as accountant at Railroad; living with wife’s parents at 844 Market (probably actually 846)
Louisville, KY, city directory Geo Campbell as photographer for E A Brooks photographer; No address given
Louisville, KY, city directory Geo Campbell as clerk for E A Brooks; res not shown
Louisville, KY, city directory Geo Campbell as photographer for E A Brooks; res 846 w Market
Louisville, KY, city directory Geo F Campbell as photographer; res 846 w Market; (as George “F” Campbell)
1904 Jul 29
Louisville, KY, state records, George Campbell dies of uremia and alcoholism; death certificate lists him as photographer

Louisville (KY) Courier Journal - 30 Jul 1904

Louisville (KY) Courier Journal - 23 Swc 1941

Other possibly related items

Louisville (KY) Courier Journal -
14 Jun 1925

Louisville (KY) Courier Journal -
26 Feb 1934

Louisville (KY) Courier Journal
31 Dec 1941

Honolulu Advertiser - 18 Sep 1949

Council Bluffs (IA) 09 Jul 1952

Marysville (KS) Advocate - 17 Jul 1952

Reverse stamped with
"Photo By Meveral A. Brooks Member Press Photographers of America Photographers International Assoc. Post Office Box 1046, Mission, Kansas 66202"
example from Johnson County Museum

(Note: The above is an example of how misleading some documents might be. This is a different pair named Lilly Brooks and George Campbell. The Lilly Brooks followed here would have been only eleven in 1886. Two other sources show they were not married until February of 1899 in Indiana when Lilly Brooks was about 24.)

Not the one you were looking for? Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. Listed here are all the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY. This is a work in progress. For a look at the original postings go to LOST GALLERY.

Some examples on this page have been enhanced or restored for clarity and presentation here.

This page is free for educational and research purposes only but, as always, if the original owner of any of these examples objects to the use on this page, they will be immediately removed.

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