Saturday, November 20, 2021

Joseph or Annie Husted

photographer: Husted and Co
Ridge Av and Wallace St, Philadelphia, PA
example from LOST GALLERY
reverse of card at left

On the reverse at the bottom one can see “A Husted and Jno G Cassebaum”. Annie Husted is the photographer here. Finding the family tree of a single woman in 1800’s Philadelphia, PA, is a task.

In the late 1890’s there was not much respect paid to single women, even those who ran a successful business. City directories rarely mention them unless they are somebody’s spouse or running a successful business. And sometimes, not even then.

The timeline here follows the address, 1344 Ridge Avenue, through its various incarnations. All listings are from city directories unless otherwise labeled.

Annie was found in three US census reports, supported by listings with her brothers Joseph and William. In the 1900 and 1910 US census, the residence address 1522 Swain agrees with the city directory listings for the many years between 1870 and1910 with which she was associated.

In the 1900 and 1910 US census her birth year is given as 1860. In the 1880 census the birth year is given as 1852 which is probably a fib. She perhaps needed to seem older in order to maintain her job as “Clerk in a photograph gallery”.

Philadelphia, PA, city directory, No photographer listing for Draper or Husted, Joseph Husted as Artist at 1247 Poplar
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Joseph Husted, photographist, 1327 Ridge; res 13th and Poplar
1864, 1865
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, brother Joseph Husted listed as photographer at 1327 Ridge; res 1247 Poplar (Apparently working FOR Edmund Draper)
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, brother Joseph Husted listed as photographer with Draper and Husted (Edmund Draper and Joseph Husted) at 1344 Ridge; res 1522 Swain; An Annie Husted, no occupation shown, is listed, residence 253 Lybrand, probably not the correct Annie

Philadelphia, PA, city directory, brother Joseph Husted listed as photographer with Draper and Husted (Edmund Draper and Joseph Husted) at 1344 Ridge; res 1522 Swain;
No Annie Husted listed
1871, 1872, 1874, 1875
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, brother Joseph Husted listed as photographer with Draper and Husted (Edmund Draper and Joseph Husted) at 1344 Ridge; res 1522 Swain)

An Annie Husted is listed these years as resident at 911 Morgan and “Widow of John (1874)” and “Widow of Edward (1875)” at 1500 Wood (probably not the correct Annie);

1876, 1877, 1878
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Annie Husted NOT listed; brother Joseph Husted listed as photographer with Draper and Husted (Edmund Draper and Joseph Husted) at 1344 Ridge

Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Annie Husted NOT listed; Brother Joseph Husted listed as photographer at 1344 Ridge, res 1522 Swain; Brother William is listed at same residence but as a meter maker
1880 Jun 05
Philadelphia, PA, US census, Annie Husted as “Clerk in Photograph Gallery; res 1522 Swain; Brothers Joseph and William both listed as photographer living at same address
1881 - 1888
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Annie Husted NOT listed; no business pages those years;

During all of these years, except 1887, there is listed an Annie Husted, widow, as boarding at 911 Morgan or 533 Linden, but since Annie Husted, the photographer, never married and apparently never moved from 1522 Swain, this is probably not her. Of course, she could have SAID she was a widow, just to get listed in the directory. For a directory listing, a woman in those times had to be a wife or widow or sometimes the owner of a successful business.

Also, one must consider that generally city directory listings would be for “Anna” or “Ann” or “Anne” but seldom “Annie” unless requested that way.

Philadelphia, PA, city directory, ALL of these years, Joseph F Husted, Annie’s brother, is listed as photographer, 1344 Ridge; res 1522 Swain

Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Annie Husted, as photographer; brothers Joseph and William are not listed
1890 to May 1897(see clipping below)
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Annie Husted, as photographer at Husted and CO, with John G Cassabaum at 1344 Ridge Av; res 1522 Swain
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Annie Husted as photographer at 1344 Ridge; res 1522 Swain
1900 Jun 07
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, US census, Annie Husted, no occupation shown; res 1522 Swain; she appears to be operating a boarding house

Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Annie Husted, no occupation shown; boarding at 1522 Swain
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Annie Husted, no occupation shown, res 1522 Swain
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Annie Husted as saleswoman; res 1522 Swain
1909 Oct 22
Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer, small item says Annie Husted has sold her Swain residence to John McElroy on 11 Oct 1909; this is an apartment building now, it is not known what that address was in 1909
1910, 1912
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Annie Husted NOT listed
1913 Jun 02
Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer, news item says Annie has died at age 61 (see clip)

As a recap for the addresses:

1861 -- 1247 Poplar – Joseph Husted as artist
1863 to 1865 – 1327 Ridge - Joseph Husted as photographist
1868 to 1878 – 1327 as Draper and Husted, Joseph Husted and Edmund Draper
1879 – 1327 Ridge, Joseph Husted as photographer
1880 – Unknown; Annie, Joseph and William listed as photographers but no address shown
1881 -- 1888 – unknown
1890 to 1898 – 1327 Ridge, Husted and Co. ; Annie Husted with John G Cassebaum
1899 – 1327 Ridge; Annie Husted as photographer
1900 and on, no occupation shown

The cabinet card at the top was done between 1890 and 1898, possibly slightly before.

Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer - 22 Oct 1909 Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer - 05 Jun 1913
Philadelphia (PA Inquirer - 03 May 1897
photographer: Husted and Co
Ridge Av and Wallace St, Philadelphia, PA
example from pinterest (no origin shown)
This card finished between 1890 and 1898
photographer: Husted and Co
Ridge Av and Wallace St, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site
This card finished between 1890 and 1898
photographer: Husted and Co
Ridge Av and Wallace St, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site
This card finished between 1890 and 1898
photographer: Husted and Co
Ridge Av and Wallace St, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site
This card finished between 1890 and 1898
Same reverse on all three cards at left
A. Husted and Jno G Cassebaum

Not the one you were looking for? Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. All the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY are listed there.

This is a work always in progress.

Aditional information and new examples are always welcome. Any additional information will help narrow the time that these precious antiques were made.

All submissions should be free of glare and shadows.
Do not crop.
Leave a border around each card. The edges are sometimes an important clue to the age of the card.

Email to the address found in the profile at the bottom of this page.

Some examples on this page have been enhanced or restored for clarity and presentation here.

This page is free for educational and research purposes only but, as always, if the original owner of any of these examples objects to the use on this page, just let me know and they will be immediately removed.


  1. Possibly helpful: I have a CDV by "Draper & Husted" with a 2c tax stamp on the back - the noted date is cut off but it's probably 1866, which is a year or more prior than I've seen listed for their partnership.

    1. Thanks for your comment! Yes, you are right. The beginning date of the partnership is a bit fuzzy. Apparently, Draper and Husted were working together as early as 1864. The date when the actual, official, partnership began has not been established. The tax stamp would place it before August of 1866, when the tax stamp act was repealed. Thanks again!
