Francis T Castle
All entries Washington DC city directory unless otherwise noted
Items showing “as photographer but no studio” means Castle was probably working for someone else
1850 Dec 12
Maryland, Francis T Castle is born
1879 Apr
F T Castle marries Ida Gertrude Chambers
Bolivar, WV, city records, son Walter C Castle is born
Bolivar, WV, US census as painter
Washington, DC, city directory NOT listed; news item shows Castle was in Harper’s Ferry, WV
1887 - 1889
as photographer but no studio
1890 - 1892
as photographer with own studio at 920 7th
as photographer but no studio
Washington, D C, city directory Castle is not listed at all in this directory
1895 - 1896
as photographer with studio at 722 7th nw; res same and sometime during 1896 Castle moves to 728 7th nw as indicated by the following newspaper items
1896 Jul & Aug
Washington, DC, Evening Times and Washington Times, 11 small ads; studio at 728 7th st nw
1897 Feb & Apr
Washington, DC, Evening Times and Washington Times, 20 small ads; studio at 728 7th st nw
1898 Jun & Jul
Washington, DC, Evening Times and Washington Times 7 small ads; studio at 728 7th st nw
1899 - 1901
as photographer with studio at 728 7th nw
1902 & 1904
as photographer with studio at 723 7th nw
1905, 1906
as photographer with studio at 1221 Pennsylvania, av
Washington, D C, city directory Castle is not listed at all in this directory
1908 - 1914
as photographer no studio
1915, 1916
as retoucher no studio
as photographer no studio
as retoucher for Donaldson Studio
as photographer with no studio
Washington, D C, us census as photographer for the “government”
as photographer for the Dept of Agriculture
as photographer with no studio
no occupation shown; res 1832 Columbia rd
no occupation shown; res; 3102 Mt Pleasant nw
1925 - 1927
(as Frank T) as photographer no studio
no occupation listed, with wife Ida, res 1332 Harvard nw
(as Francis H) wife Ida, as asst tester Potomac Electric; res 1332 Harvard nw
no occupation listed, with wife Ida
1931 Jul 30
Washington, DC, Francis T Castle dies at age 81
To recap the years Castle is shown with his own studio, all in Washington, DC:
1890-1892 studio at 920 7th
1895-1896 studio at 722 7th nw
1896-1901 studio at 728 7th nw
1902-1904 studio at 723 7th nw
1905-1906 studio at 1221 Pennsylvania av
The rest of the records show he worked for other studios.
Daily Intelligencer (West Virgina) - 14 May 1886

The Evening Times (DC) - 01 Aug 1896

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Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. Listed here are all the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY. This is a work in progress. For a look at the original postings go to