Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Clifton Church

Clifton Church
Dallas, Texas

Clifton Church
(17 Ma7 1855 - 6 Apr 1943)

Clifton Church was born in Massachusetts, worked in Dallas, TX, for 22 years and then returned to Massachusetts to retire. One could almost believe it was two different people. His date and place of birth and wife’s name and age are the same in all records however. And the Superman/Clark Kent rule comes into play. When he’s in one state, he’s not in the other.

What drew him to Dallas, TX, from Massachusetts is unknown.

1855 May 17
Fairhaven, MA, state records, Clifton Church is born to Henry Augustus Church and Helen Robinson
1880 Jun 04
Suffolk, MA, US census Clifton Church aas salesman in wool store
1886 - 1888
Dallas, TX, city directory, Clifton Church NOT listed
Dallas, TX, state records, Clifton Church marries Kate M. Dickson a resident of Dallas, TX

Dallas, TX, city directory, Clifton Church living at the home of widow Miranda A. Morrill, 424 Ross,
1891 - 1894
Dallas, TX, city directory, Clifton Church as photographer at 278 Elm; res 318 Ross,
1896 - 1898
Dallas, TX, city directory, Clifton Church as photographer at 278 Elm; res 159 State
Dallas, TX, city US census, Clifton Church as photographer; res 159 State
1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905
Dallas, TX, city directory, Clifton Church as photographer at 336 Elm; res 159 State
1904 - 1906
Clifton is the president of the Dallas Art Association
Dallas, TX, city directory, Clifton Church as photographer at 336 Elm; bds at 442 Ross
Dallas, TX, city directory, Clifton Church as photographer; boarding at 442 Ross, Dallas, TX; not in business section
Brookline, MA, city directory Clifton Church res at 1661 Beacon; no occupation shown; not in business pages

1908 - 1909
Dallas, TX, city directory, Clifton Church NOT listed; no Brookline, MA, city directory available for these years
1910 Apr 29
Dallas, TX, US census, Clifton Church, no occupation shown; rest 511 Ross av, Dallas, TX
Brookline, MA, city directory Clifton Church at 1661 Beacon, no occupation listed; They keep a residence in Dallas, TX, at 511 Ross av
Brookline, MA, city directory at 23 Claflin, wife Kate at 1661 Beacon
1914 - 1927
Brookline, MA, Clifton Church as resident at 23 Claflin, no occupation given
1927 Jun 28
Brookline, MA, state records, wife Ruth Katherine Moore dies
1928, 1929, 1930
Brookline, MA, city directory, Clifton, Church, no occupation shown, at 23 Claflin
1930 Apr 19
Brookline, MA, US census, Clifton Church, no occupation shown; res 23 Claflin Rd

1931, 1932, 1934,
Brookline, MA, city directory, Clifton Church, no occupation shown; res 23 Claflin rd
Brookline, MA, 1940 US census, Clifton Church, no occupation shown, at 30 Summer, living with older brother
1940 16 Apr
Marblehead, MA, US census, Clifton Church, no occupation shown, at 30 Summer, living with older brother
1943 Apr 06
Northampton, MA, state records, Clifton Church dies at age 87

This cabinet card top, left, was made in that period of 18 years he operated as a photographer, between 1888 and 1906.

The Boston (MA) Globe - 06 Apr 1943 (Note there is no mention of his years in the photography business.)
Photographer: Church
Dallas, TX
example from auction site
Photographer: Church
Dallas, TX
example from auction site
photographer: Church
Dallas, TX
example from SMU ditital library
photographer: Church
Dallas, TX
example from SMU ditital library
photographer: Church
Dallas, TX
example from SMU ditital library
photographer: Church
Dallas, TX
example from SMU ditital library
photographer: Church
Dallas, TX
example from SMU ditital library
photographer: Church
Dallas, TX
example from SMU ditital library
photographer: Church
Dallas, TX
example from SMU ditital library
photographer: Church
Dallas, TX
example from SMU ditital library
photographer: Church
Dallas, TX
example from SMU ditital library
photographer: Church
Dallas, TX
example from SMU ditital library

Not the one you were looking for? Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. Listed here are all the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY. This is a work in progress. For a look at the original postings go to LOST GALLERY.

Some examples on this page have been enhanced or restored for clarity and presentation here.

This page is free for educational and research purposes only but, as always, if the original owner of any of these examples objects to the use on this page, they will be immediately removed.

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