Photographer: Wenzel
Plain City Ohio
example from LOST GALLERY finished between 1895 and 1916
There is a splendid accounting of Wenzel, the photographer, at
The Plain City Historical Society.
Henry A. Wenzel
(11 Jan 1863 - 4 Dec 1925)
Data from US census and Ohio city directories and narrative from
Shirley Ann Gher from Plain City Historical Society;(Note: sources do
not agree on all facts and/or dates)
1863 Jan 11
Columbus, OH, Henry Wenzel is born to Henry W and Frederica Wenzel
Columbus, OH, city directory Henry Wenzel at age 16 works as
apprentice for the G C Urlin studio
Columbus, OH, city directory, Henry Wenzel works as photographer or
apprentice for the studio of G C Urlin; Urlin partners with John
Pheifer briefly during that period; also, Henry Wenzel works with
Lorenzo N Baker for a brief period in 1886 (sources do not agree on
when Baker worked with Wenzel, but it was sometime between 1886 and
Columbus, OH, state records, Henry Wenzel and Nellie C Wilson are
Columbus, OH, city directory, Henry Wenzel as photographer with Goble
and Wenzel; studio at 262 ½ S High St
Columbus, OH, city directory, Henry Wenzel has brief partnership with
Baker Gallery, High & State; making two day trips to Plain City, OH
Plain City, OH, Historical Society, Henry Wenzel opens permanent
Plain City, OH, US census, Henry Wenzel as photographer
Plain City, OH, Historical Society, finished new house on West Main
Plain City, OH, US census Henry Wenzel as photographer
Plain City, OH, Henry Wenzel photographs tornado damage
Plain City, OH, city directory, Henry Wenzel as photographer
Springfield, OH, US census & city directories Henry Wenzel works for
Robbins & Myers (Electric Motors)
1925 Dec 24
Columbus, OH, state records, Henry Wenzel dies age 62
An example of a card from Baker's Studio while it was operated by
ALfred C Thurston and H Thurston. Note the photographers names are
added with a rubber stamp.

Baker's Art Gallery
Columbus, OH
from History in Photos Blog
Wenzel worked as apprentice for Urlin and Pfeifer for about 8 years,
Examples at the right are from the Pfeifer Studio. John A Pfeifer studio was located at 228 and/or 232 S High Street between 1883 and 1887. The only time the city directory listed BOTH addresses was 1886 and 1887.
The connection here is not know yet. Obviously, Becker and the Wilshire Building are the same. But was "Pifer" the same as "Pfiefer"?
Well, NO. It wasn't. The Pifer in this partnership was George N Pifer. The partnership lasted 1892 through 1897. The studio was apparently closed as no other photographer is listed at that address.
A small review is HERE
Not the one you were looking for? Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. Listed here are all the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY. This is a work in progress. For a look at the original postings go to LOST GALLERY.
New examples and additional information are always welcome. Any
additional information will help narrow the time that these precious
antiques were made.
All submissions should be free of glare and
shadows. Do not crop. Leave a border around each card. The edges are
sometimes an important clue to the age of the card.
Some examples on this page have been enhanced or restored for clarity
and presentation here.
This page is free for educational and research purposes only but, as
always, if the original owner of any of these examples objects to the
use on this page, just let me know and they will be immediately
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