John K. Bemesderfer
(13 Dec 1863 - 4 Jan 1954)
John Bemesderfer was an artist/photographer/picture framer in Pennsylvania
All information from US census, Lancaster and Norristown city directories and a biography From Montgomery Co., Pennsylvania; a history. Vol. 3 (ub 1923)
born in Manheim, PA
1880 - 1881
works on a farm
1881 - 1884
works at planning mill
Lancaster, PA city directory as crayon artist at s Prussian; bds e High
a typical city directory listing(13 Dec 1863 - 4 Jan 1954)
John Bemesderfer was an artist/photographer/picture framer in Pennsylvania
All information from US census, Lancaster and Norristown city directories and a biography From Montgomery Co., Pennsylvania; a history. Vol. 3 (ub 1923)
born in Manheim, PA
1880 - 1881
works on a farm
1881 - 1884
works at planning mill
Lancaster, PA city directory as crayon artist at s Prussian; bds e High

marries Salome Swartley
1906 - 1910
works as janitor at 230 Main in Norristown, PA
Opens his own store at 407 w Marshall, in Norristown, PA
1912 - 1944
Norristown city directories John Bemesderfer operates variously as artist, photographer, picture framer, mirror restorer and sells art objects all at 407 w Marshall.
no occupation given
dies of peritonitis at age 90
This cabinet card must have been done before 1911 when he opened his own shop, probably around 1890.
marries Salome Swartley
1906 - 1910
works as janitor at 230 Main in Norristown, PA
Opens his own store at 407 w Marshall, in Norristown, PA
1912 - 1944
Norristown city directories John Bemesderfer operates variously as artist, photographer, picture framer, mirror restorer and sells art objects all at 407 w Marshall.
no occupation given
dies of peritonitis at age 90
This cabinet card must have been done before 1911 when he opened his own shop, probably around 1890.
Not the one you were looking for? Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. Listed here are all the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY. This is a work in progress. For a look at the original postings go to LOST GALLERY.
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