Sunday, January 22, 2023

Gilbert and Bacon

Photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
40 N 8th ST. and 820 Arch St
example rom LOST GALLERY

reverse of the card at the left

Gilbert & Bacon Studio and Gilbert Studios Inc

Active Years ---
William Frank Bacon (1870 - 1900)
Conrad Miller Gilbert (1875 - 1911)
Milton Hemperly (1895 - )
Frank T. Bacon (1900 - )
Clara Gilbert (1912-1921)

The Gilbert and Bacon studio was responsible for many portraits of actors, athletes and other celebrities in the cabinet card era. Surviving photographs are sometimes valued in the hundreds of dollars. Their success might also be measured by the fact that no newspaper advertising was found for either, Also Gilbert appears to have owned some race horses and was mention in several places about attending races.

Accounts of the life of William Frank Bacon do not always agree exactly. The following timeline gathers what seems to be the best accounting of the studios that involved W F Bacon and C M Gilbert

There are several examples of the work of Gilbert and Bacon studios at
Cabinet Card Gallery

Sources: US census, city directories,
Historical Ziegfield Group
New Found Photography

1843 Jun 06
Bangor, ME, William Frank Bacon was born
1847 Nov 30
Conrad Miller Gilbert is born in Montgomery Co., PA
1865 - 1870
New York, NY, at the close of the US civil war W F Bacon began studying photography at the studio of Gurney and Son. He apparently worked in several studios in New York. Finally, W F Bacon joins the studio of A K P Trask at 40 N 8th st, Philadelphia, PA
1870 circa
Philadelphia, PA, A K P Trask invites Bacon to become partner in his studio at 40 n 8th st in Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA, the gallery of Trask is bought out by Conrad M Gilbert and the partnership of Gilbert and Bacon begins, operating at 40 N 8th st
- continued next row -

Gilbert and Bacon admitted to membership in the Philadelphia Photographic Society
Philadelphia, PA, city diretory, Gilbert and Bacon begin operations at 40 N 8th AND 820 Arch
1883 Feb 28
Philadelphia, PA, 1900 US census, Philadelphia Times news item, Conrad Gilbert marries Clara B Underwood
Philadelphia, PA, Milton R Hemperly of Providence, RI, joins the studio
Philadelphia, PA, C M Gilbert leaves the partnership (one account says he retires) opening his own Gilbert Photography Inc. studio at 926 Chestnut; In addition to the studio at 820 Arch st, Bacon opens a second studio at 1030 Chestnut st and retains the business name Gilbert and Bacon Studio
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Gilbert and Bacon discontinue the 40 N 8th location
Philadelphia, PA, W F Bacon operates the studio at 1030 Chestnut while Hemperly continues at the Arch st studio both under brand name Gilbert and Bacon
1893 (circa)
Philadelphia, PA, Conrad M Gilbert is credited alone on a cabinet card at 926 Chestnut

Milton R Hemperly leaves the studio; W F Bacon has contracted Bright’s Disease and begins turning over the day to day operation of the Chestnut studio to his son Frank T Bacon with the assistance of Milton R Hemperly
Philadelphia, PA, Hemperly buys the Arch st location and continues as an independent operator
1900 Jul
Philadelphia, PA, W F Bacon’s son Frank T Bacon takes over the studio at 1030 Chestnut st, with the assistance of Milton R Hemperly and others, maintaining the brand name Gilbert and Bacon
1900 Sep 13
Philadelphia, PA, W Frank Bacon dies at home of Bright’s disease
Philadelphia, PA, city directory C M Gilbert as photographer 926 Chestnut; res The Bartram
Philadelphia, PA, city directory C M Gilbert as Pres of Gilbert Studio Inc; res 1210 Chestnut
Philadelphia, PA, city directory Conrad Gilbert as president; res 310 s 40th
1911 Jul 28
Conrad Miller Gilbert dies of chronic Bronchitis at Cap May, NJ
Philadelphia, PA, city directory Gilbert Studios Inc at 926 Chestnut; Clara B Gilbert as president

Philadelphia, PA, city directory Gilbert Studios Inc at 926 Chestnut; C B Gilbert pres, Herbert Lackman, vice pres;
Philadelphia, PA, city directory Gilbert Studios Inc at 926 Chestnut; Clara B Gilbert listed as president of Gilbert Studio, 926 Chestnut; res The Bertram
1916 - 1921
Philadelphia, PA, city directory Gilbert Photography Inc, 926 Chestnut, operated by Clara B Gilbert (one listing as Sec/Treas); res The Bertram

(Note: Not all sources of information agree exactly on dates and places, so there is some overlap of dates and events.)
The Gilbert and Bacon studio :
1875 - 1886 operated by C M Gilbert and W F Bacon
1880 - 1888 Studios in city directory listed at 820 Arch and 40 N 8th
1886 - 1895 studio at 820 (or 830, depending on source) Arch operated by Milton Hemperly
1887 - 1900 studio at 1030 Chestnut operated by W F Bacon
1900 - ?- studio at 1030 Chestnut operated by Frank T Bacon

The Gilbert Studio Inc
1886 - 1911 studio at 926 Chestnut operated by C M Gilbert
1911 - ?- studio at 926 Chestnut operated by Clara B Gilbert

St Louis and Canadian Photographers
vol 24 - 1900

Philadelphia Inquirer - 29 Jul 1911

It appears that the photographer Conrad Gilbert might have been a bit high strung.

Following are some examples found on various auction sites

This one is dated 1892

photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
1030 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
From the collection of KEN on Flickr

photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
40 N Eighth and 820 Arch, Philadelphia
example from Cabinet Card Gallery

Gilbert & Bacon
1030 Chestnut and 820 Arc st, Philadelphia
Example from auction site

photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
40 N Eighth, Philadelphia, PA
example from pinterest

This one is dated 1888

photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
example from auction site

photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
example from auction site

photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
example from auction site

photographer: Gilbert Studio, C M Gilbert
North F and Eleventh Street, Washington, DC
example from auction site
reverse of the card on the left

photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
820 Arch Street and 40 N Eighth,
Philadelphia, PA
example from pin -no source shown-
(really poor scan)
photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
320 Ash St and 40 North 8th,Philadelphia, PA
example from Anticuria
photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
820 Arch and 40 N 8th St, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site

The example at the right is a card done while Gilbert and Bacon operated at 1030 Chestnut and 820 Arch.

Can anyone identify the uniform?

photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
1030 Chestnut Street and 820 Arch, Philadelphia
example from Groovychikita
(The uniform as yet has gone unidentifed.)
reverse of card at left

The example at the left shows the 1030 Chestnut Street address on the front and both the Chestnut address and the 820 Arch address on the reverse.

The portrait appears to be done after 1900. The identity of the gentleman is unknown. Can you idenfify him?

photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
1030 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA
example from contributor S Allison
Reverse of card at left

photographer: Conrad Miller Gilbert
1126 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA
Example from auction site

reverse of the card at the left

photographer Gilbert Studio, C M Gilbert
North F and 11th street, Washington, DC
example from auction site

reverse of card at left

photographer" Gilbert and Bacon
1030 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA
example from Anticuria

photographer" Gilbert and Bacon
1030 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site

Gilbert & Bacon
40 n 8th and 820 Arch st
New addition from LOST GALLERY

Gilbert & Bacon
40 n 8th and 820 Arch st
New addition from LOST GALLERY

update 12 Aug 2018

trimmed at bottom
photographer Gilbert and Bacon
example from New York Library

photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
820 Arch & No 40 N 8th, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site

photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
40 n 8th & 820 Arch, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site
This card was probably finished around 1870
when Gilbert was still at 40 N 8th

photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
40 n 8th & 820 Arch, Philadelphia, PA
example from, no source credit given
This card was probably finished around 1870
when Gilbert was still at 40 N 8th

photographer Gilbert and Bacon
820 Arch Street & 40 N 8th, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site

photographer Gilbert and Bacon
820 Arch Street & 40 N 8th, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site

photographer Gilbert and Bacon
820 Arch Street & 40 N 8th, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site

photographer Gilbert and Bacon
This is probably a reprint for novelty shops and carnivals
example from auction site

photographer Gilbert and Bacon
1030 Chestnut and 820 Arch, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site

Photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
820 Arch & 40 N 8th Street, Philadelphia, PA
Example from auction site

photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
820 Arch & 40 n 8th street, Philadelphia, PA
Probably finished around 1875
example from auction site

photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
820 Arch & 40 n 8th street, Philadelphia, PA
Probably finished around 1875
example from pinterest

photogrpher: C M Gilbert
926 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site
photographer: C M Gilbert
926 Chestnut, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site
reverse of card at left

photographer: C M Gilbert
926 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA
From the collection of KEN on Flickr

photogrpher: C M Gilbert
926 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site

photographer C M Gilbert
926 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site

photographer: The Gilbert Studio
926 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
From the collection of KEN on Flickr

photographer: C M Gilbert
926 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA
example from Library Company of Philadelphia, digital collections

photographer: C M Gilbert
926 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA
example from pintereest

photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
1030 Chestnut St and 820 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site

Gilbert and Bacon
1030 Chestnut St. and 820 Arch St.
Philadelphia, PA
Finished probably between 1886 and 1900
example from an auction site

photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
1030 Chestnut and 820 Arch St
Philadelphia, PA
Finished probably between 1886 and 1900
example from auction site
Gilbert and Bacon
1030 Chestnut St. and 820 Arch St.
Philadelphia, PA
Finished probably between 1886 and 1900
example from an auction site
photographer: Gilbert and Bacon
820 Arch and 40 N 8th St, Philadelphia, PA
from contributor R Clark
Reverse of card at left

This is a group photograph sent in by a contributor. It is not a cabinet card but is from the Gilbert studio at 926 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, Washington and Atlantic City.

The signature in the lower right corner could be G W Gilbert. Conrad Gilbert had a brother named George Washington Gilbert but no records have been found to indicate that George ever worked as a photographer. The signature here does not match a signature by Conrad Gilbert, found on a passport application from

Best guess for a date on this photograph is around 1910. Any suggestions are welcome.

Sticker on cover

signature from lower right corner

Conrad Gilbert signature from passport application 1873

photographer: A K P Trask
1210 Chestnut
example from 19th Century Photographers
Gilbert works with Trask around 1865-1870

Reverse of the card at the left
photographer: C S Bacon
Cyclone, KY
example from auction site
(note: so far no connection has been found with Frank Bacon)

Not the one you were looking for? Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. All the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY are listed there.

This is a work always in progress.

Aditional information and New examples are always welcome. Any additional information will help narrow the time that these precious antiques were made.

All submissions should be free of glare and shadows.
Do not crop.
Leave a border around each card. The edges are sometimes an important clue to the age of the card.

Email to the address found in the profile at the bottom of this page.

Some examples on this page have been enhanced or restored for clarity and presentation here.

This page is free for educational and research purposes only but, as always, if the original owner of any of these examples objects to the use on this page, just let me know and they will be immediately removed.


  1. How do I find out if a 10x8 photo taken by A. K. P. TRASK 40 N 8th St. Philadelphia Pa. depicting 4 men two seated with one holding a book & two standing one looks like
    "John Wilkes Booth" this Philadelphia studio moved shortly after Lincoln's assignation
    NOTE:I reached the cabinet design on the back of the photo and there is no record/listing depicting the design on the back of mine.
    Additionally this photo was hidden behind a framed sampler dated 1631
    Who can I have look at what I believe is a HISTORICAL FIND

    1. Thanks for your comment.

      A K P Trask can be documented as working at 40 N Eighth, in Philadelphia, between 1867 and 1875. So unless he was using up old pre-printed stock cards after he had moved his studio, the photo was taken between those dates.

      John W Booth died in April of 1865, in Virginia. In 1865, the Trask studio was at 159 N Eighth, PHiladelphia.

      I can’t help much beyond that. I can tell you what I would do if I had the photograph. I would get a good clear scan or photo of your historical find and post it in the various history oriented sites around the net. There are a lot of really well studied scholars out there. Someone will know.

      Facebook has a number of “groups” that might help. There are groups for American History, Lincoln, the Civil War, and just Historic Photographs.

      Thanks again and good luck!

  2. Hello -
    Can you tell me when Frank Bacon moved the Gilbert & Bacon photography studio to 1624 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia? It would have been some time between 1900 and 1910, but I'd like to know the specific year, if possible.
    Thank you!

    1. Thanks for your question. I went back through the city directories available to me, from 1899 through 1911 and could not find that address associated with Bacon or Gilbert. The only possibility I can think of is that a branch location might have been opened for a few months between city directory publications. Thanks again.

  3. I have a gilbert and bacon photograph with a 1624 chestnut street address would you like a copy for your site?

    1. Thanks for your comment. Yes, I always welcome contributions and additions. Email a good scan, including the edges, no cropping, to the address in the profile near the bottom of this page. Let me know how you would like the credit line to read. Thanks again!

  4. William Frank Bacon was born June 6, 1843 and died September 13, 1900
    You have him being born 1870 above.
    Best Regards

  5. My bad - I see now that you listed his active days at the studio (1870) - not his birth date.
    My apologizes.

    1. Thanks for the tip. I tried to clear it up a bit.

  6. How do I email a scan? I can't find an address. I've a photo of a young man in an unidentified uniform (the vignette makes it a little blury) but I'd love to submit it. It's from Gilbert Bacon- and has the same back as one of the photos above. I really can't identify what the uniform is.

    1. Thanks, all contributions are welcome! The email address is in the profile at the bottom of this page.

  7. Is there any way to identify subjects of Gilbert & Bacon gem photos ca.1897 of the U or Penn football team? (ID numbers in pencil on the backs are in the 20400-2153 range)

    1. Good question. Sorry, I don't know of any way. I'll bet there is quite a bit of interest in those old sports photographs.

  8. I have a book of photos, on the back of the photos is written 8924 12 what dies that mean? how do I find out who the people are in the photos

  9. I have a book of photos on the back of the phots it has numbers 8924 12 and others have 12154 does anyone know the meaning and how to find who the phots are of?

    1. I would have to see the photographs and the markings. I am not sure I could add anything even then.


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