Sunday, October 15, 2023

Benjamin Levin Wilson of Kansas

photographer: B L WIlson
Traveling Gallery
example from LOST GALLERY
(Enhabced for clarity)

In Kansas, in the late 1800’s, there were two prominent people named Benjamin L Wilson. Benjamin Lynn Wilson lived in Salina, Kansas and was a farmer then a financier and banker. He was married to Emma Julia Miller.

Benjamin Levin Wilson was married to Emily McCloney who died in 1899. Wilson’s second wife was Maude I Pinckley. He was a photographer, horse trader, well driller and farmer.

Oddly, mentions of his photography business were found only in newspaper items and ads. All other documents, census and official records, say he was stockman or farmer and never refer to photography.

Since most records list only “B L Wilson” the professions and wives played a major part in separating these two Kansas lives. At the time, there was no city directory in the tiny township of Haddam, KS.

The focus here is to pinpoint as much as possible where and when Wilson was active in the photograph business. So far it looks like Wilson was a photographer from about 1884 to 1898. He operated a Gallery in a railroad car most of the time but apparently kept an established gallery from time to time, in Haddam, Kansas. It appears that his galleries were often operated by other photographers.

Benjamin Levin Wilson

1864 Feb 03
German, Keokuk County, Iowa, Benjamin L Wilson is born to David G Wilson and Mary Ann Welch
1870 Jun 09
Vine Prairie, Crawford, Arkansas, US census, Benjamin L Wilson at age 6,
father: David, mother: Mary A, Brothers John W, George W, Lee Albert

1880 Jun 19
Hollenberg, Washington County, Kansas, US census, Benjamin “F” Wilson at age 16;
Father: David, Mother: Mary A; brothers: G W, Francis M, Earnest, Sisters: Effa M; adopted: Cora A Welch
1884 Aug 28 (First mention of photography)
Sabetha (KS) Weekly Herald, item says Peterson of Sabetha, KS, is associated with B L Wilson in photography
1889 Feb 15
Haddam (KS) Politician, item says B L Wilson’s photo gallery will remain in town only one week
1889 Apr 11
Haddam (KS) Politician, item mentions George Wilson, brother of photographer B L Wilson
1890 Mar 26
Falls City (KS) Journal, item says B L Wilson moved his gallery to Liberty last Tuesday
1890 Dec 31
Geneva (NE) Fillmore County Republican, item thanks Gallery Patrons for the business of the past three months and is leaving C A Welch in charge of the gallery
1891 Aug 28
Washington (KS) Register, item says Wilson’s Photograph Car passed through Washington and is now located in Haddam, KS

1892 Jan 28
Great Bend (KS) Barton County Democrat, item says B L Wilson has bought the D H Halladay photograph business and will continue at that “stand”
1892 Mar 10
Ellinwood (KS) Advocate, item says B L Wilson, photographer, is in town to move the photo car which has been there for 6 weeks
1892 Mar 24
Great Bend (KS) Barton County Democrat, item says B L Wilson is still operating in Great Bend
1892 Apr 21
Great Bend (KS) Barton County Democrat, item says B L Wilson, photographer, has gone back to Washington
1892 Nov 04 Great Bend (KS) Weekly Tribune, item says B L Wilson the photographer took some pictures on the coursing grounds
1892 Dec 16
Great Bend (KS) Weekly Tribune, item says B L Wilson photograph car is back in Great Bend due for complete over haul; plans to go on road with it himself
1893 Jun 09
Great Bend (KS) Weekly Tribune, item says the Wilson photo car is in Florence (KS)

1893 Jul 20
Marion (KS) Headlight, item says B L Wilson’s Photograph Car is in Marion, managed by R T Bean
1894 May 10
Great Bend (KS) Register, item says B L Wilson, photographer, is in town
1896 Nov 06
Odell (NE) Weekly Wave, item says B L Wilson photo car will be in Odell until Nov 14
1897 Jan 01
Washington (KS) Republican, item says B L Wilson and family move from Haddam and has opened gallery opposite the Racket Store
1897 Apr 02
Washington (KS) Republican, item says R T Bean, photographer who worked in B L Wilson’s Gallery has moved to Diller, NE, and Mr Wilson is doing his own work now
1897 Apr 09
Washington (KS) Republican, item says B L Wilson the “new” photographer plans to remodel his gallery
1897 Dec 31<br/> Washington (KS) Republican, item says B L Wilson photography at second door south of the NEW YORK store

According to newspaper items, Benjamin L Wilson appears to be getting out of the photography business sometime in 1898 in favor of the well drilling business.
B L Wilson seems to be in the well drilling business
1898 Feb 03
Washington (KS) Register, display ad well drilling by B L Wilson
1898 Sep 09
Washington (KS) Republican, item says B L Wilson is to build a gallery on the south lot of the Washington House and has expanded his gear
1899 Nov 02
Washington (KS) Register, small item says James Boyd who was assisting B L Wilson in the photograph gallery. Has left for Nebraska
After this point, no mention of Wilson as photographer has been found
1899 NOV 23
Washington (KS) Register, display ad for B L WIlson Well drilling

1900 Jun 05
Washington, KS, US census, B L Wilson as “Landlord”; daughter: Edna B; plus two boarders; res Second Street
1900 Nov 14
Washington, KS, state records, B L Wilson and Maud I Pinckley are married
1900 Nov 16
Washington, KS, Republican, marriage license column lists B L Wilson and Maude Pinkley have a Marriage License
1901 Mar 16
Washington (KS) Palladium, B L Wilson ad for sale of horse

1901 Mar 22
Washington (KS) Republican, ad for B L Wilson live stock
1905 Mar 01
Washington County, KS, state census, B L Wilson as “Stockman”
1906 Jun 29
Washington (KS) Republican Register, display ad for Summers “located in the Wilson Gallery” next door to the Nims Hotel
1908 May 15
Washington (KS) Paladium, B L Wilson of Haddam KS, advertises a Horse for sale

1909 Apr 16
Washington (KS) Palladium, ad for B L Wilson horses
1910 Jul 07
Washington County, KS, US census, Benjamin L Wilson as “Farmer, retired”
1915 Mar 01
Haddam, Washington County, KS, state census, B “S” Wilson as “Stock Raiser”; wife Maude; Fern Reynolds(?) Jimmin(?) Wilson, age 6
1917 Nov 14
Haddam (KS) Clipper Leader, 1917 Nov 22 obituary, says Benjamin L Wilson dies at age 53; survivors: wife Maude Pinckley and daughter Neva Maude

Recap of known locations of Wilson Gallery:
1884 – Sabetha, KS
1889 Feb 15 – Haddam, KS
1890 Mar - Liberty, KS
1890, Oct, Nov, Dec - Geneva, NE
1891 Aug – Haddam, KS
1892 Jan – Great Bend, KS (6 weeks)
1892 Apr – Washington, KS
1892 Dec – Great Bend, KS
1893. Jul – Marion, KS
1894 May - Great Bend, KS
1896 Nov – Odell, KS
1897 Jan – Dec – Washington, KS
1898 Sep – Washington, KS
1899 Nov – Washington, KS

Sabetha (KS) Weekly Herald -
28 Aug 1884
Haddam (KS) News -
07 Oct 1886
Haddam (KS) Politician -
15 Feb 1889
Haddam (KS) Politician -
11 Apr 1889
Falls City (KS) Journal -
28 Mar 1890
Liberty (KS) Journal -
29 Aug 1890
Liberty (KS) Journal -
31 Dec 1890
Washington (KS) Register -
28 Aug 1891
Washington County (KS) -
28 Jan 1892
Barton County Denocrat -
22 Feb 1892
Barton County Denocrat -
25 Feb 1892
Great Bend (KS) Evening News -
25 Feb 1892
Barton County Denocrat -
24 Mar 1862
Great Bend (KS) Weekly Tribune -
16 Dec 1892
Barton County (KS) Democrat -
16 Feb 1893
The Evening News -
09 Jun 1893
Great Bend (KS) Weekly Tribune-
09 jUN 1893
Marion (KS) Headlite -
20 Jul 1893
Great Bend (KS) Evening News-
24 Jul 1893
Great Bend (KS) Evening News -
26 Aug 1893
Great Bend (KS) Register -
10 May 1894
Odell (NE) Weekly Wave -
06 Nov 1896
Washington (KS) Republican -
01 Jan 1897
Washington (KS) Republican -
02 Apr 1897
Washington (KS) Republican -
09 Apr 1897
Washington (KS) Republican -
31 Dec 1897
Washington (KS) Register -
03 Feb 1898
Washington (KS) Republican -
09 Nov 1899
Washington (KS) Republican -
23 Nov 1899
Washington (KS) Register -
23 Nov 1899
Washington (KS) Republican -
16 NOv 1900
Washington (KS) Palladium -
16 Mar 1901
Washington (KS) Republican -
22 Mar 1901
Washington (KS) Republican Register -
29 Feb 1906
Washington (KS) Palladium -
15 May 1908
Washington (KS) Republican Register -
23 Nov 1917
Below are some examples believed to be from B L Wilson
photographer: WIlson
Washington, KS
example from Howard Gibble of Flickr
photographer: Wilson
Larned, KS
example from auction site
photographer: Smith and Wilson
Larned, KS
example from auction site
photographer: Wilson
Great Bend, KS
example from auction site

Not the one you were looking for? Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. All the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY are listed there.

This is a work always in progress.

Aditional information and New examples are always welcome. Any additional information will help narrow the time that these precious antiques were made.

All submissions should be free of glare and shadows.
Do not crop.
Leave a border around each card. The edges are sometimes an important clue to the age of the card.

Email to the address found in the profile at the bottom of this page.

Some examples on this page have been enhanced or restored for clarity and presentation here.

This page is free for educational and research purposes only but, as always, if the original owner of any of these examples objects to the use on this page, just let me know and they will be immediately removed.

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