Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Chandler and Scheetz

photographer: Chandler & Scheetz
1433 Chestnut Street & 828 Arch Street

This is a timeline combining the business lives of Samuel Scheetz and George Franklin Chandler.

Samuel Scheetz

George Franklin Chandler
( 1851 - 1920 )

1851 Aug 12
Dorchester, MA, US census, state census, town records, George F Chandler is born to George S Chandler and Elizabeth Simonton Thurston
1855 Jun 01
Montgomery County, PA, US census and PA death certificate, Samuel Scheetz is born to John Scheetz and Anna Catherine Sands
1865 May 01
Dorchester, MA, MA state census George F Chandler no occupation shown
1870 Jun 01
Charlestown, MA, US census George F Chandler as clerk in store
1873, 1874, 1875
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Samuel Scheetz as carpenter; res 1303 n 11th
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Samuel Scheetz NOT listed; George F Chandler NOT listed

Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Samuel Scheetz NOT listed; neither Scheetz nor Chandler in business section
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, George F Chandler as Waiter; res1828 Addison (Possibly NOT the photographer although there is no other listing); NO listing for Samuel Scheetz
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, George F Chandler is NOT listed; Samuel Scheetz is NOT listed
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, George Chandler as photographer with Chandler and Scheetz at 828 Arch, res 2619 Ellsworth; Josephine Chandler NOT listed
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, George Chandler as photographer with Chandler and Scheetz at 828 Arch, res 2629 Ellsworth;
1882 Aug 11, 19
Chester, PA, Delaware County Daily Times, small ad for Chandler and Scheetz studio of Philadelphia, no address shown
1882 Dec 05
Chester. PA, Delaware County Daily Times, small ad for Chandler and Scheetz studio at 828 Arch

1883 Jan 08
Chester, PA, Delaware County Daily Times, small ad for Chandler and Scheetz studio at 828 Arch
1884 May 22
Pittsburg (PA) Post-Gazette, small news item about a portrait by Chandler and Scheetz
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, George Chandler as photographer at 828 Arch and 15 s 13th
1886 Jan 21
Pittsburg, PA, Daily Post, small news item says J P Whitesides formerly with Chandler and Scheetz has accepted a position with Gilbert and Bacon of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, George Chandler as photographer at 828 Arch; res 2831 Poplar
1887 Nov 20
Philadelphia (PA) Times, small ad for new studio opening at 1433 Chestnut st
1888 Dec 02
Philadelphia (PA) Times, Chandler and Scheetz small ad for both studios 828 Arch and 1433 Chestnut st
1889 Dec 12
Bucks County (Bristol, PA) Gazette, small ad for Chandler and Scheetz studios at 828 Arch and 1433 Chestnut

Philadelphia, PA, Chandler and Scheetz run 60 newspaper ads for studios at 848 Arch and 1433 Chestnut in Philadelphia
1891 Nov 18
Philadelphia. PA, Times newspaper ad to rent space at 828 Arch, It appears the partnership has dissolved sometime between November 1890 and November 1891
1892, 1893
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Saml Scheetz as photographer with Chandler and Scheetz at 1433 Chestnut; res 1922 Fairmont av
1894 Jun 10
Philadelphia, PA, Times newspaper ad for Chandler studio at 828 Arch; “Late of Chandler and Scheetz”
1895, 1896
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Saml Scheetz as photographer at 1433 Chestnut; res 1922 Fairmont
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, J E Chandler as photographer at 828 Arch; res 2831 Poplar (obviously a miss print)
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, George Chandler as manager at 828 Arch, res 260 s 3rd; Josephine Chandler as photographer at 828 Arch, res 260 s 3rd

Philadelphia, PA, city directory, George Chandler as photographer at Chandler’s Studio; res 828 Arch (Not in bus pages)
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Saml Scheetz as photographer at 1433 Chestnut; res 1922 Fairmont
1900 Jun 03
Philadelphia, PA, US census George F Chandler as photographer at 828 Arch; res same
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, George F Chandler as manager at 828 Arch; res Rhawn Sta; Josephine Chandler as photographer at 828 Arch
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Saml. Scheetz as photographer; res 1922 Fairmont av; this year also lists “A. Scheetz” as photographer at 1433 Chestnut; res 1922 Fairmont av but is probably a printing error
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, G F Chandler NOT listed; Josephine Chandler as photographer at 828 Arch; res Iron Bridge
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Samuel Scheetz NOT listed

Philadelphia, PA, city directory, (all business) Josephine E Chandler listed in business section as photographer at 828 Arch
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Samuel Scheetz NOT listed;
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, G F Chandler NOT listed; Josephine E Chandler listed in business section as photographer at 828 Arch; res Iron Bridge
1904 Jun 28
Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer, large news story about the burning of the building where the studio of Chandler and Scheetz was
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Geo F Chandler as clerk, res: The Bristol; Josephine E Chandler as photographer at 828 Arch; res Iron Bridge
1905, 1906
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Saml and wife Julia Scheetz; no occupation shown
1910 Apr 27
Philadelphia, PA, US census Samuel Scheetz as public service recorder; res 1925 Wallace
1903, 1904
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Samuel Scheetz NOT listed in residence or business pages

1905, 1906
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Saml Scheetz no occupation listed, res 1925 Wallace
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Geo F Chandler as Clerk; res 1513 Arch
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Saml Scheetz as messenger; res 1925 Wallace
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Saml Scheetz as laborer; res 3469 Amber (probably a misprint)
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Saml Scheetz as PHOTOGRAPHER; res 1925 Wallace; a very curious entry as there is no supporting evidence that Scheetz went back into photography briefly
1910 Apr 27
Clementon, NJ, US census George F Chandler as Photographer; res Faircourt av; Josephine listed as no occupation
1910 Apr 27
Philadelphia, PA, US census, city directory, Samuel Scheetz as public service recorder
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Saml Scheetz as machinist; res 3466 Amber; also spelled as Saml Sheetz as clerk, res 1835 Spring Garden

Philadelphia, PA, city directory, this year two Saml Scheetz, one as machinist, res 3466 Amber; one as Clerk at 1835 Spring Garden
1913, 1914, 1915
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, this year NEITHER Samuel Sheetz or Scheetz is listed
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Saml Scheetz as sec of Loan Society of Phila; Saml Sheetz as Machinst, res 3466 Amber
1917, 1918
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Saml Scheetz as sec of Loan Society of Phila;
Philadelphia, PA, city directory Saml Scheetz as Clerk; res 2002 Mt Vernon
1920 Jan 05
Philadelphia, PA, US census, Samuel Scheetz as “keeping records” at city hall;
1920 Oct 13
Laurel Springs, NJ, George F Chandler dies at age 69
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Saml Scheetz as clerk; res 2002 Mt Vernon
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Saml Scheetz as Civil Service Commission’ res 2002 Mt Vernon

Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Saml Scheetz as photographer; res 2002 Mt Vernon
Philadelphia, PA, NO city directories available
Pennsylvania death certificate, Samuel Scheetz dies age 74; listed him as Custodian of Records

After George Chandler’s death his widow Josephine moves to Laurel Springs, NJ. No records have been found that show she continued working in the photography business. According to various newspaper items, around 1926, she marries Ferdinand Himmelreich, a musician and recording artist.

Samuel Scheetz was photographer from about 1880 to about 1901 or possibly as late as 1903.

George Chandler was in the photography business from about 1880 to at least 1910. The records show he was not very active after about 1901, only “Managing” while his wife Josephine appears to have done the actual photography.

Available documents and newspaper items show the partnership of Chandler and Scheetz spanned from August 1882 to about October of 1891.

Delaware County Daily Times - 19 Aug 1882

Delaware County Daily Times - 05 Dec 1882

Reading (PA) Times - 26 Mar 1883

Pittsburg (PA) Post Gazette - 22 may 1884

Pittsburg (PA) Daily Post - 21 Jan 1886

Philadelphia (PA) Times - 18 Dec 1887

Philadelphia (PA) Times - 11 Mar 1888

Philadelphia (PA) Times - 18 Mar 1888

Bucks County (Bristol) Gazette - 12 Dec 1889

Philadelphia (PA) Times - 23 Nov 1890

Philadelphia (PA) Times - 18 Oct 1891

Philadelphia (PA) Times - 10 Jun 1894

Philadelphia (PA) Times - 21 May 1896

Camden (NJ) Courier Post - 28 Jun 1904

Reno(NV) Gazette

Camden (NJ) Courier Post - 13 Dec 1937

photographer: Chandler and Sheetz
1433 Chestnut St, 828 Arch, Philadelphia, PA
example from Elstonology
photographer: Chandler and Scheetz
1433 Chestnut St, 828 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site
photographer: Chandler and Sheetz
828 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA
example from Flickr collection of John W Carson
photograoherL Chandler and Sheetz
828 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site
photographer: Chandler and Sheetz

photographer: Chandler and Scheetz
828 Arch Street, Philadelphia
example from auction site

photographer: Chandler and Scheetz
1433 Chestnut and 828 Arch Street, Philadelphia
example from auction site

photographer: Chandler and Scheetz
828 Arch Street, Philadelphia
example from auction site

photographer: Chandler and Scheetz
1433 Chestnut and 828 Arch Street, Philadelphia
example from auction site
probably finished between late 1887 and 1893

photographer: Chandler and Scheetz
1433 Chestnut and 828 Arch Street, Philadelphia
example from auction site
(Note this is the samw setting
as the photo on the right,
but a different imprint)

photographer: Chandler and Scheetz
1433 Chestnut and 828 Arch Street, Philadelphia
example from Elizabeth Levesque on Flickr
probably finished between late 1887 and 1893

photographer: Chandler and Scheetz
1433 Chestnut and 828 Arch Street, Philadelphia
example from Philadelphia Free Library
probably finished between late 1887 and 1893

photographer: Chandler and Scheetz
1433 Chestnut and 828 Arch Street, Philadelphia
example from Philadelphia Free Library
probably finished between late 1887 and 1893

photographer: Chandler and Scheetz
1433 Chestnut and 828 Arch Street, Philadelphia
example from Lost and Found ancestors
probably finished between late 1887 and 1893

photographer: Chandler and Scheetz
828 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site

photographer: Chandler and Scheetz
1433 Chestnut and 828 Arch Street, Philadelphia
example from auction site

photographer: Chandler and Scheetz
828 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA
example from auction site

photographer: Chandler
Akron, OH
example from auction site

The card on the left is stamped Chandler of Akron, OH. This might be the same Chandler as in Chandler and Scheetz but is probably not. Nothing has been found to show that George F Chandler of Chandler and Scheetz ever traveled west of Pennsylvania.

photographer: Chandler
McConnelsville, OH
example from auction site

The card on the left is stamped Chandler of McConnelsville, OH. This is probably the same Chandler as the example from Akron, OH. Akron is only about 120 miles from McConelsville. Nothing has been found to show that George F Chandler of Chandler and Scheetz ever traveled west of Pennsylvania.

The card on the left is stamped Chandler of St Albans, VT. This would be by D W Chandler. There is no apparent connection to G F Chandler of Chandler and Scheetz.

Not the one you were looking for? Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. All the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY are listed there.

This is a work always in progress.

Aditional information and New examples are always welcome. Any additional information will help narrow the time that these precious antiques were made.

All submissions should be free of glare and shadows.
Do not crop.
Leave a border around each card. The edges are sometimes an important clue to the age of the card.

Email to the address found in the profile at the bottom of this page.

Some examples on this page have been enhanced or restored for clarity and presentation here.

This page is free for educational and research purposes only but, as always, if the original owner of any of these examples objects to the use on this page, just let me know and they will be immediately removed.


  1. I found a photo that is relevant to this page. Happy to share if you would like to receive it. The label only includes the word Chandler and address 828 Arch St. PHILADA. I'm trying to date it to figure out who it is. Thanks so much, CCharcourt@gmail.com.

    1. New examples are always welcome! See the recommendations in the boxes just above the comment section. Thanks!


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I am 4' 3", eat small insects, dress in the dark and take annual showers. phase65@yahoo.com