Krumhar timeline reworked:
Sorting through the various spellings and MIS-spellings in Ryland Krumhar’s history was a challenge. While he and his family changed the spelling three, maybe four times, the media, census takers and record keepers also shuffled and changed the letters often. The continuity of his life in records was often traced through his profession, relatives and locations.
Heinrich Friedrich Reinhold Krummhaar
Rynald H Krumhar
Timeline from city directories, US census and state records
1867 Jul 25
Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1760-1890: Heinrich Friedrich Reinhold Krummhaar is born to Aguste Krummhaar
Various records that do not agree; Reinhold Krumhar arrives in the US
Cleveland, OH, city directory, has only an August Krummhaar, laborer, listed (this is Rynald’s Father)
Cleveland, OH, city directory, NO Krumhar listed
Cleveland, OH, city directory, August W Krumhaar working with Petche and Krumhaar, ( Henry E Petche and August W Krumhaar)
1885 (earliest mention of Rynald H Krumhar found)
Cleveland, OH, city directory, August W Krummhaar, 525 Pearl, as laborer; R H Krummhaar as photographer; res 527 Pearl
Cleveland, OH, city directory, August W Krummhaar as laborer, res 25 Pearl
Cleveland, OH, city directory, Fred Turton at 576 Pearl ; Turton and Krumhar with R H Krumhar, res Lorain, nw cor McLean
Cleveland, OH, city directory, R F Krumhar and A E Stiles, photographers at 548-554 Pearl
Cleveland, OH city directory, Rynald H Krumhar as photographer at 225 Superior; res Yonker av nr Lorain
Fred Turton STILL listed as photographer with Turton and Krumhar, only in the residential pages
R F Krumhar and A E Stiles at 548 Pearl
Cleveland, OH city directory, Rynald H Krumhar is photographer with Krumhar Brothers 225 Superior; In Business pages, R F Krumhar is listed at 548 Pearl and Aurther E Stiles listed separately at 558 Pearl
Cleveland, OH, city directory, Krumhar Brothers at 225 Superior, now includes Carl A Krumhar with R H and R F Krumhar
Cleveland, OH, city directory, Rynald H Krumhar as photographer with Krumhar Brothers (with Carl A Krumhar) at 225 Superior; R F Krumhar is now with Krumhar and Stiles (A E Stiles) at 548 Pearl
Cleveland, OH city directory, Rynald (Reinhold) H Krumhar as photographer with Krumhar Bros at 225 Superior; res 65 Yonker
Cleveland, OH city directory, R H Krumhar as photographer at 190 Ontario
Cleveland, OH city directory, Rynald H Krumhar as photographer at 249 Pearl; (this is probably a misprint and should be 247 Pearl)
1900 to 1903
Cleveland, OH, city directory, Rynald H Krumhar as photographer at 247 Superior;
Cleveland, OH, city directory, Rynald H Krumhar as photographer at 247 Superior AND 53 Euclid;
Cleveland, OH, city directory, Rynald H Krumhar as photographer at 247 Superior;
Cleveland, OH, city directory, Rynald H Krumhar as photographer at 220 Superior; (NOTE: this is the same location as the previous years, the numbers were updated for the city)
1907 through 1912
Cleveland, OH, city directory, Rynald H Krumhar as photographer at 218 Superior av nw;
1913 through 1922
Cleveland, OH, city directory, Rynald H Krumhar as photographer at 1911 Euclid av;
1923, 1924, 1925
Cleveland, OH, city directory, Rynald H Krumhar as photographer at 1017 Euclid av;
Cleveland, OH, city directory, Rynald H Krumhar as photographer at 565 and 1017 Euclid av;
Pensacola, FL, city directory, Rynald H Krumhar as photographer for A K McEntire
1927 Mar 10
Pensacola (FL) News Journal small ad says Krumhar is working at McEntire Studio in Pensacola, FL
Escambia, FL, US census, R H Krumhar as artist, address not shown
Pensacola, FL, city directory Rynald Krumhar NOT listed
1932 Oct 16, 23, Nov 06
Pensacola (FL) News Journal, small ads say Kynald H Krumhar is working as photographer for T L Grant and Company
Pensacola, FL, city directory, R H Krumhar NOT listed
Escambia, FL, US census (1940), R H Krumhar as photographer
1936, 1938, 1940
Pensacola, FL, city directory R H Krumhar NOT listed
1940 Apr 27
Escambia, FL, US census, R H Krumhar as photographer
1947 Jul 23
Pensacola Beach, Escambia County, FL, Rynald H Krumhar dies at age 79
There is little doubt that the card at the top was finished in 1890 or 1891. That’s the only years that R H Krumhar worked with Fred Turton. The 1892 city directory shows Krumhar has moved to his own studio at 225 Superior.
10 Mar 1927

According to city directory lisitings, R F Krymhar and A E Styles were partners at 548-554 Pearl for only a short time in 1891 and 1892.
The two cards at the left were probably done in 1892.
548-554 Pearl Street, Cleveland, OH
example from auctin site
(Probably from some time in 1893-1895 when partnerships were shifting)
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