photographer Ramsey's Galleries
Galletin, Linneus, Lawson,
Meadville, McFall, Pattersonburg
example from LOST GALLERY
This timeline was construction mostly from small newspaper ads and news items.
There seems to have been two photographers named Ramsey in the area, working about the same time. The whole names W. Y. Ramsey and O. M. J. Ramsey appear now and then but mostly the ads just say “Ramsey’s” gallery.
Wilson Y Ramsey newspaper items found are mostly from towns in Kansas and one from Hermitage, MO. All the census reports and other documents for that name, refer to him as “farmer” and civil war soldier.
Otis M J Ramsey ads appear mostly in the small towns of Missouri: Linneus, Gallatin, McFall, three of the towns listed on the cabinet card example here.
Photographer “Ramsey” might also have operated from a mobile studio. No confirmation of this has been found but this is one way he could have been in so many places within a short time. Passenger rail lines were much more common in those days.
Although all the towns listed on thia cabinet card were in Missouri, they were NOT close together. Lawson is more than 60 miles from Lineus. Not an easy distance in those days, even by passenger train.
Ramsey’s Gallery
Oscar M J Ramsey
(1858 - )
1858 Jan
Denmark, 1900 US census, O M J Ramsey is born
Milwaukee, WI, city directory, Oscar M J Ramsey NOT listed
Milwaukee, WI, city directory, Oscar M J Ramsey NOT listed
Milwaukee, WI, city directory, Oscar M J Ramsey as artist, at 330 Grand Av; res 144 3rd; Note that 330 Grand is the address of Schultz Brother, artists and photographers; also the address of Northwestern View Co, Gustav Podoll, mngr
1886, 1887
Milwaukee, WI, city directory, Oscar M J Ramsey NOT listed
1892 Sep 28
Linneus (MO) Bulletin, small item says Ramsey’s Gallery in Linneus will be open every day
1893 Jan 27
Gallatin (MO) North Missourian; news item says Ramsey Gallery in Pattonsburg, MO, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday
1893 Mar 29
Linneus, (MO) Bulletin, small item says Ramsey’s Photo Gallery at Linneus is open from the 15th to the last of each month
1893 May 12
Gallatin (MO) North Missourian, small notice for Ramsey’s Gallery in Gallatin MO
1893 May 17, May 19, May 26, Jun 09, Jun 16
Gallatin (MO) North Missourian, small at for Ramsey’s Gallery in Gallatin, MO
1893 Jun 26
Gallatin (MO) North Missourian, small notice for Ramsey’s Gallery at Gallatin, MO
1893 Jul 05
Linneus (MO) Bulletin, small ad says Ramsey’s Photo Gallery at Linneus is open from 15th to last of each month
1893 Aug 25, Sep 01, Sep 15, Oct 13, Nov 03
Gallatin (MO) North Missourian, small ad for Ramsey’s Gallery
1893 Nov 22
Linneus (MO) Bulletin, small ad says Ramsey’s Gallery at Meadville is run by “himself” from the 1st to the 15th of each month
1893 Dec 01, Dec 08
Gallatin (MO) Missourian, small ad for Ramsey’s Gallery
1893 Dec 13
Linneus (MO) Bulletin, small ad says Ramsey’s Gallery at Meadville is run by “himself” from the 1st to the 15th of each month
1894 Feb 16 to Jul 13 at least 20 times
McFall (MO) Mirror, small ad says Ramsey’s Photo Gallery in McFall (MO) will be open from the first to the 15th of each month
1894 Jul 20, Jul 27, Aug 10, Aug 17
McFall (MO) Mirror, small ad for Ramsey’s Gallery
1894 Aug 24
McFall (MO) Mirror, Ad for “McFall” Gallery of O.M.J. Ramsey
1894 Aug 31
McFall (MO) Mirror, ad for Ramsey’s Gallery
Karnes, TX, US census, O Ramsey as photographer, born in Denmark; partner Louis Dahl, photographer, born in Norway
No other biographical information has been found so far.
The following card is imprinted "OMJ" Ramsey. See timeline date 1894
photographer: O M J Ramsey
Gallatin, MO
example from auction site
photographer: O M J Ramsey
Gallatin, MO
example from auction site
photographer: O M J Ramsey
Gallatin, MO
example from auction site
photographer: O M J Ramsey
Gallatin, MO
example from auction site
photographer: O M J Ramsey
Gallatin, MO
example from auction site
The following cards have the name "Ramsey" but so far there is no known connection to O M J Ramsey of Missouri or W Y Ramsey of Kansas
photographer: Ramsey and Smith
Cloud Chief, OT
example from auction site
Not the one you were looking for? Here's the photographer's
INDEX by name.
All the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th
century found in LOST GALLERY are listed there.
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additional information will help narrow the time that these precious
antiques were made.
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