Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Harvey and William Best

Photographer: Best
Albia, Iowa
(reverse blank)
Harvey Best (1866 - 1955)
William Best (1861 - 1918)

1861 Sep 20
Chariton, IA, state records, William Best is born to Joseph C Best and Elizabeth Creighton Alexander
1866 May 14
Chariton, IA, state records, Harvey E Best is botn to Joseph C Best and Elizabeth Creighton Alexander
Charliton, IA, US census William Best as photographer age 18; Harvey is still in school at age 14
Chicago, IL, city directory, William Best as cigar manufacturer with Best, Russell and Co. (Possibly not the same William Best)
Chariton, IA, state census, Harvey Best no occupation shown
Chariton, IA, state records, Harvey Best and Mabel W Myers are married; listed as photographer
Chariton, IA, state records, daughter Marvel Doris Best is born to Harvey Best and Mabel W Myers
Detroit, MI, city directory, Harvey E Best NOT listed
Detroit, MI, city directory, Harvey E Best as retoucher; bds 184 2nd
1899 Nov 07
Detroit, MI, state records, Harvey E Best and Ida Risk are married; listed as photographer
Grand Ledge, MI, US census Harvey E Best as photographer; res McMullen st;
1900 Jun 02
Chicago, IL, US census, William Best as a piano manufacturer; listed with wife and three children
Detroit, MI, city directory, Harvey E Best NOT listed
Detroit, MI, city directory, Harvey E Best (as Harry) as photographer, bds 397 Trombley av
Detroit, MI, city directory, Harvey E Best NOT listed
1903, 1904
Detroit, MI, city directory, Harvey E Best (as Harry) with Goodson and Best, photographers, 1379 Jefferson; res: 28 Mansur
Detroit, MI, city directory, Harvey E Best (as Harry), photographer; 28 Mansur
Detroit, MI, city directory, Harvey Best as photographer, (as Harry) 38 Monroe; res same
Detroit, MI, city directory, Harvey E Best as photographer, (as Harvey) 38 Monroe av; res 123 Linwood
Detroit, MI, city directory, Harvey E Best as photographer, 39 Monroe; res 645 Humbolt
1910 Apr 25
Chicago, IL, US census William Best as picture framer, wife and three children listed; res 1433 S Clifton Park
Detroit, MI, city directory, Harvey E Best as photographer; res 570 18th
Detroit, MI, city directory, Harvey Best as photographer 648 Mich av; res 570 18th

Detroit, MI, city directory, Harvey E Best as photographer at 648 Mich av; res 135 Leverett
Detroit, Mi, & Des Moines, IA, city directory, Harvey Best NOT listed
Des Moines, IA, city directory, Harvey E Best as photographer with Courtright Studio; res 1032 7th
1916 Aug 08
Ottumwa (IA) Weekly Courier small news item says Mr and Mrs Harvey Best of Des Moines, IA, is visiting his brother Jos Best in Ottumwa
Muskegon, MI, city directory, Harvey Best with Melrose and Best as photographer; rms: 44 Lyman blk
1918 Dec 11
Chicago, IL, state records, William Best dies at age 57
1919, 1920
Muskegon, MI, city directory not available
Muskegon, MI, city directory Harvey Best NOT listed; Adolph E Melrose as photographer at 44 Lyman blk
1930 Apr 07
Kansas City, MO, US census Harvey Best as “Healer”; res e 9th
1938 and 1941
Lansing, MI, city directory, Harvey Best as minister; living with Ida R, at Hotel Olds
Lansing, MI, city directory, Harvey Best, no occupation shown
Lansing, MI, city directory, Harvey Best as minister; res 509 Cherry
Lansing, MI, city directory, Harvey Best as minister; res 704 Cherry
1955 Jul 04
Lansing, MI, State records, Harvey Best dies at age 89

This “Best” photographer is quite probably Harvey Best or his brother William Best. Both were photographers in the right period although William was a photographer only a short time. Both were born in Chariton, IA, Harvey moving to Detroit, MI, about 1899. William apparently lived in Chariton, IA, much of his life, dying in Chicago, IL, at age 57.
Nothing has been found to show which if either or both, worked in Albia, IA, to take this photograph. But, Albia is just 26 miles from Chariton.

William was photographer early on about 1880 but apparently did not continue in the business. A city directory for Chicago, IL, says there was a William Best in business as a cigar manufacturer. There is nothing to indicate it is the same William Best. The 1900 census places him in Chicago with wife and children where he is now a Piano Manufacturer. He died in 1918.

Harvey started in photography about 1887. Sometime after 1918, Harvey became a minister and “healer” in Detroit, MI, according to various city directory listings and the 1930 US census. He was not found in the 1920 US census.

It is quite likely that Harvey Best was the photographer for this cabinet card, sometime between 1885 and 1894.

Ottumwa (IA) Tri Weekly Courier - 08 Aug 1916

photographer: Best
Albia, IA
example from auction site

Lansing (MI) State Journal - 28 Apr 1955

Lansing (IL) Stat Journal - 05 Jul 1955

Not the one you were looking for? Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. Listed here are all the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY. This is a work in progress. For a look at the original postings go to LOST GALLERY.

Monday, May 27, 2019

William H Beck

Wm. H. Beck
Morrisonville, ILL

Reverse of the card on the left
William Henry Beck
(1867 - 1903)

1867 Jan 13

Louisville, KY, state records, William Henry Beck is born to Frederick Wilhelm Beck and Anna Kathryn Modenbach
1880 Jun 26
Middletown, IN, US census William H Beck age 13 living with parents working in family business as shoemaker
1879 - 1883
Living in Indiana with parents
1887 Sep 22
Butler, IL, state records, sister Viola H Beck is born; W H Beck is now 20 years old, probably still living with parents
1891 Nov 24
Christian, IL, state records, William H Beck and Georgie Anna Harris are married
1893 Sep 22
Morrisonville, IL, state records, son Herbert Beck is born
1900 Jun 28
Morrisonville, IL, US census William H Beck as photographer; res 352 Railroad st
1902 Feb 20
Morrisonville, IL, state records, son Chester Lee Beck is born
1903 Dec 22
Morrisonville, IL, state records, William Henry Beck dies at age 36

It appears that William H Beck lived and worked in Morrisonville, IL, from about 1893 to his death in 1903.

This card is imprinted with the date 1894.

photographer: Wm H Beck
Morrisonville, IL
branch gallery Raymond, IL
example from pinterest

Not the one you were looking for? Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. Listed here are all the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY. This is a work in progress. For a look at the original postings go to LOST GALLERY.

Some examples on this page have been enhanced or restored for clarity and presentation here.

This page is free for educational and research purposes only but, as always, if the original owner of any of these examples objects to the use on this page, just let me know and they will be immediately removed.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

William H Martin

Photographer: Martin
226 S Main Street, Ottawa, Kansas
example from LOST GALLERY

William H. Martin
born in Illinois
(Ottawa city directory) Martin as photographer with E. H. Corwin in Ottawa
(US Census) Martin and Goldie A. MacDonald marry
(In-Between website) Martin buys Corwin studio
(US Census) as photographer in Ottawa, KS
(Ottawa city directory) as photographer at 226 s Main, Ottawa, KS (Corwin studio at 209 s Main)

(Web Source: Photography Museum) Martin issues first “Tall Tale” postcard
(Web Source: Photography Museum) Closes photo studio to concentrate on postcard business
(US Census) as photographer
(Tall Tales of the Darkroom) about here Martin sold off the comic post card business
(US Census) as merchant
(Ottawa city directory) as National Sign co at 1204 s Main
(FindaGrave) dies in Ottawa, KS

Photographer Martin
Ottawa, KS
example from S Tennant

photographer: Martin's Art Studio
Ottawa, KS
example from the Kansas Historical Society
(This is probably by W H Martin)
reverse of card at left

Not the one you were looking for? Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. Listed here are all the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY. This is a work in progress. For a look at the original postings go to LOST GALLERY.

New examples and additional information are always welcome. Any additional information will help narrow the time that these precious antiques were made. All submissions should be free of glare and shadows. Do not crop. Leave a border around each card. The edges are sometimes an important clue to the age of the card.

Some examples on this page have been enhanced or restored for clarity and presentation here.

This page is free for educational and research purposes only but, as always, if the original owner of any of these examples objects to the use on this page, just let me know and they will be immediately removed.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

David Thoms

Photographer: Thoms
134 and 136 Grand Av, Milwaukee, Wis.
Nothing on reverse
example from LOST GALLERY

Note that photographer Thoms and J. Brown use the same address at 134 and 136 Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, Wi, but probably not at the same time.

And the studio is very close to Hugo Broich who was at 116-118 Spring (aka Grand) Avenue, Milwaukee, WI. All three were active between 1890-1900.

Only one photographer of the cabinet card era with the name Thoms has been found. It was David Thoms of Milwaukee. WI.

Milwaukee, WI, and Grand Rapids, MI, are not far apart. In modern times only about four hours separates them.

Several listings in the Grand Rapids city directory were found for Thoms spanning 1887 to 1895. Then he appears in the Milwaukee directory for four years in a row 1896 to 1899 as photographer at 319 Third Street.

No listings have been found before 1887 or after 1900. Of course Thoms could have opened a studio in Milwaukee for a short duration anytime in his career. He may have even shared it with photographer J. Brown during his stay there from 1885 to 1888.

No biographical information has been found for Thoms.

David Thoms
( - )
All from city directory listings
as photographer at 126-128 Canal, Grand Rapids, MI
as photographer at 98 Monroe, Grand Rapids, MI
as photographer at 44 Canal, Grand Rapids, MI
as photographer at 319 3rd. Milwaukee, WI
as photographer at 62 Canal, Grand Rapids, MI

Although nothing could be found that places Thoms at 134 and 136 Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, WI, as shown on this cabinet card, it can be assumed that it was probably not during the dates shown above. It would have to be either before or after this period unless he maintained two studios in two separate cities at the same time.

photographer: Thoms
1025 Larkin Street. San Francisco, CA
example from History in Photos blog

It was thought at first that this was another example of David Thoms work. But it is not. It is instead, by Louis Thors of San Francisco, CA.

Not the one you were looking for?
Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. Listed here are all the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY. This is a work in progress. For a look at the original postings go to LOST GALLERY.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

C H Devenny

C H Devenny
Third and Jefferson
Louisville, KY

Charles Henry Devenny
(1857 - 1947?)

Timeline sources: US census, city directories and newspaper items as noted

Pennsylvania, Charles Henry Devenny is born to John and Marcia Devenny
Philadelphia, PA, US census making paper boxes as prisoner in Philadelphia County Prison
Louisville, KY, city directory as photographer at 367 w Jefferson (367 possibly a printing error)
1887, 1888
Louisville, KY, city directory as photographer at 267 w Jefferson
Louisville, KY, city directory as photographer at 1908 Preston
Louisville, KY, city directory as photographer at 257 w Jefferson
1890 Apr 16
Courier Journal (Louisville, KY) Devenny is sued for $100
Louisville, KY, city directory listing says Devenny has removed to Chicago

Louisville, KY, lists only Clara Devenny as artist at 654 e Jefferson
1892 Aug 04
Courier Journal (Louisville, KY) Devenny and wife are defendants in inheritance suit
Louisville, KY, city directory as photographer with Robert J Carpenter and Devenny at 846 Market
1893 Oct 06
Courier Journal (Louisville, KY) news item Carpenter and Devenny fined $10 for operating without a license
1894 Mar 01
Inter Ocean (Chicago) Louisville, KY, news item Landlord dies after fight with Devenny
1894 Mar 04
Courier Journal (Louisville, KY) news item Devenny released from custody
Louisville, KY, city directory as photographer but NOT listed in business pages; res 1627 23rd with wife Clara as artist at same address
Louisville, KY, city directory as photographer at 708 Green
Louisville, KY, as retoucher with C H Elrod, photographer; res 627 1st

Pittsburgh, PA, US census as photographer; res 406 Grant
1901 Jun 18
Pittsburg (PA) Daily Post funeral notice, wife Clara dies
Philadelphia, PA, city directory NOT listed as photographer (business pages only available)
Louisville, KY, city directory Charles Devenny not listed but all three daughters are living together at 306 e St Catherine
Louisville, KY, US census Charles Devenny as traveling salesman for Eastman Kodak; as widower ; has moved in with three daughters on E Oak st
Louisville, KY, city directory Charles Devenny as traveling gent living with his three daughters at 213 e Oak
Louisville, KY, city directory Charles Devenny NOT listed; 3 daughters living at 322 Ormsby
Louisville, KY, city directory Charles Devenny as traveling agent living with his three daughters at 1312 s Floyd

-- continued in next row --

Louisville, KY, city directory Charles Devenny NOT listed; Leone and Madeline living at 926 s 3rd and Agnes living at 1341 Olive
Louisville, KY, city directory Charles Devenny NOT listed; Leone living at 839 s 2nd and Agnes living at 1341 Olive; Madeline NOT listed
Oak Park, IL Charles Devenny NOT listed; daughter Agnes and husband at 949 n Harvey
1916 - 1920
Louisville, KY, city directory NOT listed; three daughters NOT listed
1922 - 1925
Oak Park, IL, city directory Charles NOT listed, Angnes and her husband at 949 n Harvey
Oak Park, IL, US census Charles Devenny living with daughter Agnes and her husband Barry G Durham, 949 n Harvey

There is an Oak Park, IL, 1947 death certificate for a Charles H Devenny, spouse name Clara, birth date 9 May 1857 but the birth place is given as Wilmington, Delaware. Every census gave his birth place as Pennsylvania.

As can be seen, Charles Devenny moved around a lot. Locating him in records was hampered somewhat by the fact that there were several people by that name in the eastern part of the US at that time. Further, as in the death certificate, the family names, dates and places of birth shifted often.

It’s just speculation but this cabinet card was probably finished around 1890. The stamped address “Third and Jefferson” could be the same as 257 Jefferson. The gold, embossed imprint was popular around that time also.

It looks as if he left photography sometime after 1903. By 1910 his is working as a traveling agent for Eastman Kodak.

Courier Journal (Louisville, KY) - 16 Apr 1892

Pittsburgh (PA) Daily Post - 19 Jun 1901

Courier Journal (Louisville, KY) - 04 Aug 1892

Courier Journal (Louisville, KY) - 06 Oct 1892

Logansport Tribune - 01 mar 1894

Inter Ocean (Chicago, IL) - 01 mar 1894

Courier Journal (Louisville, KY)- 04 Mar 1894

photographer: Carpenter and Devenny
9th and Market, Louisville, KY
Finished around 1893
example from auction site

photographer: Carpenter and Devenny
9th and Market, Louisville, KY
Finished around 1893
example from auction site

photographer: Devenny
Third and Jefferson, Louisville, KY
Finished around 1886-1890
example from auction site

photographer: Devenny
Third and Jefferson, Louisville, KY
Finished around 1886-1890
example from DeadFred website

photographer: Devenny
Louisville, KY
example from auction site
(Note this is a different imprint from any of the others on this page.)

Not the one you were looking for? Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. All the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY are listed there.

This is a work always in progress.

Additional information and new examples are always welcome. Any additional information will help narrow the time that these precious antiques were made.

All submissions should be free of glare and shadows.
Do not crop.
Leave a border around each card. The edges are sometimes an important clue to the age of the card.

Email to the address found in the profile at the bottom of this page.

Some examples on this page have been enhanced or restored for clarity and presentation here.

This page is free for educational and research purposes only but, as always, if the original owner of any of these examples objects to the use on this page, just let me know and they will be immediately removed.

Hugo Broich

Hugo Broich

Hugo Broich photography was at 3rd and Chestnut streets in Milwaukee from 1858 to 1870
He moved to 116 and 118 Spring Street in Milwaukee in 1870.

Apparently the name Spring Street was changed to Grand Avenue in 1876 then to Wisconsin Avenue in 1926.
He retired from active photography in 1896.

Broich died in 1905.

The addresses shown on cabinet cards should help date them.

At the right from The Milwaukee Eau Clare Reader
August 16, 1896

photographer: Hugo Broich
Milwaukee, WI
Example from auction site

reverse of card at left

photographer Hugo Broich,
Opp. Plankinton House, Milwaukee, Wis.
example from the collection Derek Wood on Flickr

Not the one you were looking for? Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. Listed here are all the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY. This is a work in progress. For a look at the original postings go to LOST GALLERY.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Charles F Priest

Photographer: Abell & Priest
Bancroft Building
723 Market Street
S F Cal
also see Franklin George Abell

Charles Franklin Priest
(1852 - 1916)

1852 Jun 06
Massachusetts, Ancestry Records, Charles Franklin Priest born to James Priest and Elvira Ray Smith
1860 Aug 03
Amador, CA, US census, C F Priest at 8 living with parents
1870 Jul 19
San Francisco, CA, US census, Charles Priest as apprentice to hatter
1873 - 1874
San Francisco, CA, city directory Charles Priest as carpenter for step-father William H Smith; res 730 Folsom
1875 - 1878
San Francisco, CA, city directory, Charles Priest as carpenter for stepfather William H. Smith; res 1033 Howard, San Francisco, CA
1880 Jun 05
San Francisco, CA, US census says working as carpenter, city directory same year, says working as machinist; res 18 ½ Rausch

San Francisco, CA, city directory, Charles Priest as brush maker for Figer Bros; res: 18 ½ Rausch
1882 - 1883
San Francisco, CA, city directory, Charles Priest as brush maker for Figer Bros; res 323 Minna
1885 Jul 03
San Francisco, CA, state records, Charles Priest is married to Frances C Lauder
San Francisco, CA, city directory, Charles Priest as carpenter again; res 427 9th
1889 - 1891
San Francisco, CA, city directory, Charles Priest as photographer with Franklin George Abell at 723 Market, top floor
San Francisco, CA, city directory, Charles Priest as photographer at 723 Market, Abell is not mentioned; res 2136 Howard
1897 - 1900
San Francisco, CA, city directory, Charles Priest as photographer at 2518 Mission
1901 - 1903
San Francisco, CA, city directory, Charles Priest as photographer at 2532 Mission; res 131 Buena Vista

1904 - 1909
San Francisco, CA, city directory, Charles Priest as photographer at 2532 Mission; res 171 Buena Vista
1910 Apr 23
San Francisco, CA, US census, city directory, Charles F Priest as photographer at 2532 Mission ; res 171 Buena Vista;
1911 - 1915
San Francisco, CA, city directory, Charles Priest as photographer at 2532 Mission; res 171 Buena Vista
1916 Mar 05
San Francisco, CA, state records, Charles Franklin Priest dies at age 63

This cabinet card must have been finished in that short time between 1889 and 1891 when Abell and Priest worked together in San Francisco, CA.

San Francisco (CA) Call - 17 Aug 1890

Ran many times during 1890

San Francisco (CA) Call - 13 Jul 1908

Ran many times during 1908
Oakland (CA) Tribune - 05 Oct 1905

photographer: Priest
2518 Mission, San Francisco, CA
Finished between 1897 and 1900.
very poor scan from auction site

Not the one you were looking for?
Here's the photographer's INDEX by name. Listed here are all the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th century found in LOST GALLERY. This is a work in progress. For a look at the original postings go to

Old stuff here...

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I am 4' 3", eat small insects, dress in the dark and take annual showers. phase65@yahoo.com