Photographer: Peter's Studio
1722 W. 47th st
Near Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL
(it is unknown why there is
an apostrophe in the title)

Enlarged to show the address
George Peters
(1865 – 1903}
Caroline Margarette Kleker
(1879 – 1958)
1865 Oct
Chicago, IL, state records, George Edward Peters is born
1879 Jun 23
Chicago, IL, state records, Caroline Margaret Kleker is born to
Bernard Kleker and Therese Kleker
1880 Jun 18
Chicago, IL, US census, Caroline Kleker at age 1
Chicago, IL, city directory, George Peters as photographer at 3509
Chicago, IL, city directory, Business section only goes to ELE; Res
section lists a George E Peters as fireman. Res 3121 Lasalle (only a
Chicago, IL, dated photo on file Langdon Road imprinted G Peters, 3510
s Halsted, Chicago IL
Chicago, IL, city directory, George Peters as photographer; 3510 s
Chicago, IL, city directory, Pages missing after MIN
1992 to 1895 Chicago, IL, city directories not available
Chicago, IL, city directory, pages missing after Livingston
Chicago, IL, city directory, pages missing after Lynch
Chicago, IL, city directory, pates missing after McFann
Chicago, IL, city directory, pages missing after Maurer
Chicago, IL, city directory, pages missing after Merriman
1900 Jun 11
Chicago, IL, US census, George Peters as photographer; res 4841
Ashland Av
1900 Oct 06
Chicago, IL, state records, George Peters and Carolyn Kleker are
Chicago, IL, city directory, pages missing after McCollum
1901 Aug 26
Chicago, IL, state records, Son George Clarence Peters is born to
Carolyn and George Peters
1902, 1903
Chicago, IL, city directory, NO listing in the business section;
residential section not available
1903 Oct 19
Chicago, IL, state records, George E Peters dies
1903 Oct 20
Chicago (IL) Tribune death notice for George Peters, husband of Carrie
Chicago, IL, city directory,
Mrs Carrie Peters as photographer at 1722 w 47th st; (no
residential pages available)
Chicago, IL, city directory, NO listing for Carrie Peters in business
pages; res pages not available
1907 Jun 16
Chicago, IL. State records, Carolyn M Peters marries James T
Chicago, IL, US census, Carolyn M Horacek as no occupation; husband
James T Horacek is an insurance agent
1958 Mar 14
Los Angeles, CA, state records, Caroline Margarette
Kleker-Peters-Horacek dies at age 78 to 80; birthdate is different in
nearly every document found
It appears that Carrie Peters worked as a photographer only in the
year 1904, apparently taking over the studio after the death of her
husband George Peters.
No record shows exactly when the Peter’s studio moved to the address
1722 W 47th Street. It is not associated with George Peters in any
record. His last published address, 4833 Ashland Ave, is in a clipping
listing him as a precinct worker for a 1903 election. Carrie Peters is
listed as photographer at that address in the 1904 city directory.
Yes, this photograph could have been finished by either of them but,
It is a good bet that Carrie Peters is the photographer for this
The lives of women are more difficult to trace than men. Many records
avoid their actual name using instead something like “Mrs George
Peters” or “George Peters and wife.” And city directories had policies
that excluded a woman’s name unless she was a widow or owned a
prominent business.
Further, women tended to fib about their age. In young years they
often wanted to pass for older and in later years, to seem younger, so
the birth date is adjusted to fit.
And as if being known only as Mrs George Peters wasn’t obscuring
enough, women often switched to their middle name for a while.
Caroline or Carrie becomes Margaret or Margarette.
All of which makes their lives difficult to follow from one document
to the next
George Peters studio is listed at 3510 Halsted Sreet from 1888 to
3509 Halsted would be across the street.

photographer: Peters studio
1722 W 47th Street, Chicago, IL
example from pinterest
(this is NOT a cabinet card)

photographer: J H Peters
914 Market, San Francisco, CA
example from auction site
(No connection has been made to Peters of Chicago, IL)

914 Market, San Francisco, CA
example from auction site
(No connection has been made to Peters of Chicago, IL)
Then there is this one. Imprinted only "Peters Portraits" it is
unknown where this was done.
The CdV at the right is imprinted "Peters" and "1885" but the location is obscured.
It really doesn't look like any of the other examples from Peters of Chicago. It does, however, have a comma after the name, similar to the card at the left
Not the one you were looking for? Here's the photographer's
INDEX by name. Listed here are all the Cabinet Card photographers of the 19th
century found in LOST GALLERY. This is a work in progress. For a look
at the original postings go to
Some examples on this page have been enhanced or restored for clarity
and presentation here.
This page is free for educational and research purposes only but, as
always, if the original owner of any of these examples objects to the
use on this page, they will be immediately removed.
Hi,I found this page after searching for 3509 s. Halsted. I have a bunch of cabinet cards with this photographer's ID on the backs. I had an aunt who lovingly stored photos of our family. If you'd like to see them, they're scanned. Just let me know.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your generous offer! Yes, I always welcome additions to a photographer's profile. As you can see by the examples on this page, the scan must include the edges, no cropping. The edges of a card are often a clue to the age of the card. Email them to the address in the profile at the bottom of this page. Thanks again!