photographer: Kehrwieder's Studio
10 Independence St
Shamokin, PA
Kehrwieder’s Studio
10 Independence Street
Shamokin, PA
Timeline sources: city directories, us census, newspaper items as indicated
Germany, Wilhelm Heinrigh Frederich Kehrwieder is born (father)
Germany, Caroline Amelia Barba (Sieb) Kehrwieder is born (mother)
Philadelphia, PA, Pennsylvania death certificate Henrietta is born (daughter
Philadelphia, PA, Alexander Kehrwieder is born (son)
1860 Jun 16
Philadelphia, PA, Clara Matilda Kehrwieder is born (daughter)
Philadelphia, PA, city directory William Kehrwieder is listed as artist; William jr is listed as décor painter
Philadelphia, PA, Otto S Leonarde Kehrwieder (son)
Philadelphia, PA, city directory no Kehrwieder listed
1863 and 1864
Philadelphia, PA, city directory Kehrwieder William as painter at 1740 Sansom; did some stage scenery (see clipping below)
1865 and 1866
Philadelphia, PA, city directory Charles and William as artists at 1740 Sansom
1867 and 1868
Philadelphia, PA, city directory Kehfwieder Bros at 1740 Sansom William, Charles and Otto, res same
1870 and 1871
Philadelphia, PA, city directory Kehrwieder Bros, painters at 845 n 10th Charles, 845 10th; Otto, 845 10th; William 1627 Warnock
1871 Dec 18
Philadelphia, PA. Emma Kehrwieder is born
Philadelphia, PA, city directory “Kehrwieder Bros”, painters at 109 Queen, William H F, res109 queen and Otto res 845 n 10th
1874 Mar 12
Philadelphia, PA, Wilhelm (William jr) Heinrich Kehrwieder dies
Philadelphia, PA, city directory Caroline, Otto at 109 Queen; Carl as artist at 1711 Rittenhouse
Philadelphia, PA, city directory NO business section
1889 and 1890
Philadelphia, PA, city directory Alexander H Kehrwieder as photographer at 4905 Germantown av; res 109 Queen
1891 Jan 13
Philadelphia, PA, Otto S Kehrwieder dies at age 28
Philadelphia, PA, city directory “Kehrwieder and Co”, 4905 Germantown, includes Henrietta and Alexander; both reside at 109 Queen
1892 and 1893
Philadelphia, PA, city directory Kehrwieder and Co, 4905 Germantown, includes Caroline A B, Henrietta, Emma and William H F as photographers; res all four live at 109 Queen
Philadelphia, PA, city directory “Kehrwieder and Co”, 4905 Germantown, includes Caroline A B, Henrietta K, and Emma; William H is still associated with "Kehrwieder Bros" (see ad below); all four live at 109 Queen
1895 and 1896
Philadelphia, PA, city directory “Kehrwieder and Co”, 5705 Germantown includes Caroline, Retta (Henrietta), Emma and William H F; all four live at 109 Queen
1896 mar 04
Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer want ad for A H Kehrwieder at 229 Lafayette st
Philadelphia, PA, city directory “Kehrwieder and Co”, not listed; Alex H and Henrietta are listed as photographers; Caroline is not listed as photographer; Emma is not listed; three live at 108 Queen
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Henrietta as photographer at 5705 Germantown; Alex H as photographer; Caroline not listed; Alex and William at 108 Queen; Henrietta at 102 Queen
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Henrietta is listed as photographer at 5705 Germantown; res 108 Green
1899 Jun 15
Philadelphia, PA, Alexander Kehrwieder dies at age 39
1899 Jun 18
Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer item announces death of Alexander, gives age as 33
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Carrie B listed as photographer at 5705 Germantown res St Margaret House; William H F and Caroline not listed as photographers living at 108 Queen
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Carrie B as photographer at 5705 Germantown, res 5503; Caroline (widow) and William res 108 Queen
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Carrie B as photographer at 5705 Germantown, res 5503 Germantown. William listed as photographer; William and Caroline res 108 Queen;
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Carrie listed as photographer at 5705 Germantown; William H listed as photographer at 1008 Queen
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Carrie listed as photographer at 5705 Germantown, res 6004 Germantown; Retta is photographer at Queen Lane Studio, res 108 Queen
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Carrie listed as photographer at 183 e Chelten res 6004 Germantown; Retta is photographer at Queen Lane Studio, res 108 Queen
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Caroline B listed as photographer at 183 e Chelten res 6004 Germantown; Retta is photographer at Queen Lane Studio, res 108 Queen
1906 Nov 25
Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer small ad for “Rita” Kehrwieder studio at 111 Queen st
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Caroline B listed as photographer at 3705 Germantown res 8? Maplewood; Retta is photographer at Queen Lane Studio, res 108 Queen
Philadelphia, PA, city directory, Carrie as photographer; res 136 Lindenwood; Retta as photographer res 3511 10th
Philadelphia, PA, city directory Henrietta as photographer; res 111 Queen
Philadelphia, PA, city directory no Kehrwieder listed as photographer
1910 Apr 22
Philadelphia, PA, US census Henrietta listed as photographer; res 111 Queen; living with her sister Clara along with their brother William H F and their mother Caroline A B
Philadelphia, PA, city directory Henrietta and William H listed as photographer at 111 Queen; Caroline listed at same res
Philadelphia, PA, city directory Wilhelm (William) Heinrigh Frederich Kehrwieder dies
Philadelphia, PA, city directory no Kehwieder listed as photographer
Philadelphia, PA, city directory no Kehwieder listed at all
1914 and 1915
Philadelphia, PA, city directory no Kehwieder listed at all; business pages added this year and no listing there either
Philadelphia, PA, city directory Caroline listed at 111 Queen
Philadelphia, PA, city directory NO Kehrwieder listed
Philadelphia, PA, city directory Caroline A B Kehrwieder is listed at 111 w Queen
1918 Sep 23
Philadelphia, PA, Caroline Amelia Barbara (Sieb) Kehrwieder dies at age 82
1943 Aug 06
Philadelphia, PA, death certificate, Henrietta (Retta) dies of a carcinoma of the bladder at age 85
1950 Dec 08
Philadelphia, PA, Emma Kehrwieder dies at age 78
1953 Feb 09
Philadelphia, PA, Clara Matilda Kehrwieder dies a age 92
The Kehrwieder family of artists and photographers maintained the business in Philadelphia, PA, from about 1864 to 1912.
The small town of Shamokin, PA, is about a hundred miles north west of Philadelphia. Quite likely one of the family just set up shop for a short time there and then returned to Philadelphia, perhaps all within a year.
It could actually have been any one of the family who visited Shamokin, PA. There are years when Henrietta (Retta) and William H F did not appear in the Philadelphia city directory so it is possibly one of those. Shamokin, PA, did not have a city directory so there is little way to confirm dates.
The card is light weight stock, not embossed and has simple printing. It is probably from before 1890.
Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer - 04 Mar 1896
Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer - 03 May 1864

City Directory Ad from 1894
Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer - 18 Jun 1899

Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer - 25 Nov 1906